Event Outreach Mailings
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Event Outreach Mailings

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Article summary

For some larger events, you may wish to send a easy-to-use email which allows for an invitation and RSVP to be sent to specific records in your instance. For example, you may have an group admission information session, a group advising session or an alumni event and wish to extend an invite to students who listed you are their top choice, an enrolled students who has not chosen a major or an alumni who lives in a certain location.

Event invitation mailings can be configured within an event as an Outreach Mailing. Once an Outreach Mailing is associated with an event, an Outreach tab is visible on the event page. Recipients of the Outreach Mailing can RSVP yes or no, and this response is recorded within the Outreach tab of the event.

Outreach Mailings can be configured for person-scoped, application-scoped, and dataset-scoped events.

Outreach Mailings

An Outreach Mailing is one of several options for an event communication trigger. A recipient list may be constructed from a specific population of records while selecting the necessary exports, much like a Deliver mailing, directly from an event.

Configuring an Outreach Mailing

To set up an Outreach Mailing for an event:

  1. Click Events in the top navigation bar. Navigate to the event to which the Outreach Mailing pertains.

  2. Click Edit Communications, then New Mailing.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Give the Outreach Mailing a descriptive name

    • Trigger - Select Outreach Mailing (send as scheduled)

    • Status - Leave the status as Active

    • Method - Select Email

    • UTM Tracking - Include any UTM parameters if necessary

    • Hide from Timeline - Check this box to hide this mailing from the record's Timeline, if desired.

    • Click Save

  4. This mailing should likely allow recipients to unsubscribe, so ensure the Opt Out setting is adjusted appropriately.

  5. Construct the recipient list. Click Edit Recipient Lists and select the desired exports and filters. Be sure to match the base of the recipient list query to the scope of the form (E.g. a person-scoped event should use an Outreach Mailing with a recipient list query base of Prospects). Be sure to include a GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) for the records you wish to invite such as Person GUID as you can use this field in your URL to pre-populate the invitee’s stored information on your registration form or your RSVP invite as outlined in the next section.

  6. Construct the message. Click Edit Message to craft the message content. Any exports in the Recipient List will be included as possible merge fields.

  7. Once the message content is finalized and the Recipient Lists are set, click Send Mailing to configure the send settings for this mailing. Select the desired settings and set a send date.


  • Once an Outreach Mailing is saved as an event communication, a tab labeled Outreach will appear next to the Registered, Cancelled, and All Registrants tabs for the event associated with the Outreach Mailing.

  • Outreach mailings are not available for event templates.

Don't see a green Send Mailing button?

Only users with the Deliver Send permission can send mailings. Users with the Deliver and/or Deliver (edit all users) permissions can save the send settings.

Collecting RSVPs with an Outreach Mailing

Initial responses to an event invitation are collected through an Outreach Mailing that includes a RSVP link to the corresponding event.

To set up the RSVP link for an Outreach Mailing:

  1. Copy the event registration form link. Both vanity and standard and Slate-generated URLs can be used with this feature.

  2. Paste the event registration form link into the Outreach Mailing message. This link can be hyperlinked if desired. If a vanity URL is used, do not hyperlink the URL.

  3. Within the event registration form link, add /rsvp/ after /register/. If a vanity URL is used, /rsvp/ should be added after the vanity component of the URL. This should come before any other parts of the URL, including GUIDs or query string parameters. For example, for an application-scoped event, the link may look like the following:


    If a URL without a vanity is used, the format of the RSVP URL should be:


    Note with the above link that the Prospect ID merge field is used for a person-scoped event. Any additional parameters included in the URL should be appended using ampersands.

  4. Be sure to append the URL with the appropriate query string parameter of the record's unique identifier. Appending the event registration RSVP link with a unique identifier (i.e. Prospect ID) will provide the recipient with a unique URL. This will automatically associate the mailing with the recipient's record and pre-populate any mapped fields that already contain data.

    • For a Person or Records-scoped query, append the URL with the Prospect ID export.

    • For an Applications-scoped query, append the URL the Application Slate GUID export. 

    • For a Dataset-scoped query, append the URL with the GUID of the Dataset record.

  5. Append the URL with any additional parameters (e.g. pre-defined form fields).

After sending the Outreach Mailing, any recipient of the communication will be listed under the Outreach tab on the event page. The columns displayed in this tab are:

  • Invited - The names of the records included in the Recipient Lists

  • Invitation Sent - The date and time at which the Outreach Mailing was sent to the recipient

  • Response Date - The date and time at which the record responded through the RSVP link

  • Status - The status of the record's event registration, either Registered, Declined, Cancelled, or Invited

Once the email is sent and a recipient clicks the event registration RSVP link, the recipient will see two options: Accept Invitation or Decline Invitation.

  • If a recipient clicks Accept Invitation, the event registration form appears and any appended URL parameters carry through to populate the corresponding form fields.

  • If a recipient clicks Decline Invitation, either the default message appears or a custom confirmation page and/or email can be configured.

Upon Decline Mailings

Email recipients that decline the event invitation are given a registrant status of Decline. Similar to the Upon registration or Upon cancellation event communication triggers, mailings and confirmation pages can be created using a trigger of Upon decline.

To create a mailing or confirmation page for recipients that decline an event invitation:

  1. Click New Mailing in the corresponding event's communications page.

  2. Set the trigger to Upon decline. Set other necessary settings. The Group setting should be selected based on who should cause the mailing to be sent:

    • Direct Entry + Admin Entry - Regardless of the registration method

    • Direct Entry Only - Only if the registration is submitted or updated using a public link

    • Admin Entry Only - Only if the registration is submitted or updated administratively

  3. Click Edit Conditions to add any exports related to the record that should be included in the message. Default merge fields for Upon Decline mailings only include those related to Form Properties. Within this pop-up, the following can also be selected:

    • Additional Exports - Data related to the record being emailed can be included, like name, email, etc. Use caution when selecting exports, as a record may not have data populated for those fields.

    • An Exclusivity Group - Create or select an exclusivity group if there are a series of Upon Decline messages that should be sent depending on the recipient.

    • Filters - Include filters if this Upon Decline mailing should only be sent to a specific group of recipients. Filters can be used for either a single Upon Decline mailing, or in conjunction with Upon Decline mailings in an exclusivity group.

  4. Click Edit Message to create the content of the Upon Decline mailing.


Setting up confirmation pages and email communications separately may be desired to differentiate the branding or language used in each mailing. Setting up different mailings with Groups of Admin Only and Direct Entry Only also allows for varied content.

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