Event Mobile Passes & Badges
  • 01 Oct 2024
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Event Mobile Passes & Badges

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Article summary

☑️ Prerequisite Skills

Events, Merge Fields on Forms

Edit Mobile Pass lets you customize a mobile pass, which can then be saved to a device's passbook (for example, an Apple Wallet). This tool also provides space to create a printable badge for registrants to a specific event.

Create an Event Mobile Pass

  1. From the main navigation, select Events.

  2. Select New Event, New Template, or select an existing event or event template from the list.

  3. If you're starting from a new event or event template, configure it as needed, then select Edit Form.  

  4. Select Edit Mobile Pass (beta)

  5. Select the Merge Fields tab.

  6. Specify merge fields using Configurable Joins in Edit Mobile Pass. These merge fields can be used on the mobile pass and printed badge. 


  7. Select the Mobile Pass tab.

  8. Customize the mobile pass using the previously specified merge fields:

    • Registrant Name: This name displays administratively when you scan a mobile pass at an event.

    • Header: Text that appears in the header of the attendee's mobile pass.

    • Footer: Text that appears in the footer of the attendee's mobile pass.

  9. Click Save.


Updates to these fields are automatically reflected in the attendee's mobile pass:

Mobile Editor 4

Create an Event Badge

The Edit Mobile Pass tool also lets you design printable badges, taking advantage of the same merge fields used in your mobile pass.

To edit the event badge:

  1. In the Edit Mobile Pass tool, click the Badge Front or Badge Back tab.


    Badge front


    Badge back

  2. Using the source editor, add images, CSS designs, and merge fields as desired.

  3. Add the following HTML to the source code to specify the badge dimensions:

    • <div style='width:4in;height:5.5in;overflow:hidden;position:relative;padding:0.1in;box-sizing:border-box;'>

Badge Printing

These designs appear on the printed badge, which is generated as part of a zipped batch for all registrants. The batch is downloaded automatically to the scanning host machine—which means it isn't impacted by intermittent network availability—and from there generated to PDF and printed. Each of these elements add up to an exceptionally fast printing experience.


📖 Further reading

Read more about Badge Printing.

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