Event Surveys
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Event Surveys

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Article summary

Event surveys gather valuable participant feedback that helps you evaluate when events were successful and when they need improvement.

  • Customize questions to tailor surveys to your needs, whether you’re hosting admissions events, alumni gatherings, or student orientations.

  • Reporting and analytic tools in Slate let you visualize survey data and gain deeper insights, refine your event strategy, and use that strategy to host more engaging and successful events in the future.

  • Surveys can be associated with events and Scheduler appointments.

Use Cases

Among other applications, event surveys can be used for:


Use case


Campus Tours


Student Success


Advising Sessions




Creating an Event Survey

To create an event survey:

  1. Click Forms in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Form and set a Title, Folder, set the Status to Active, click Save.

  3. Click Edit Form.

  4. Click Edit Properties and change the Scope to Event Survey.

  5. Remove the default fields, when applicable, and add desired fields.

Mapping event survey fields to custom fields

Fields on an event survey can only be mapped to system fields. For fields not associated with a system field, specify a unique export key (for example, event_satisfaction_level) to let you filter on and export these values.

Allow anonymous feedback

Let registrants decide if they want their submission to be anonymous by mapping a select-type form field to System > Anonymous.

Associating a survey with an event or Scheduler template

To associate an event survey with an event or scheduler template:

  1. Click Events in the top navigation bar.

  2. Navigate to the event/scheduler template that is to be associated with the event survey.

  3. Click Edit Form.

  4. Click Edit Properties.

  5. Select the event survey in the Survey dropdown setting.

  6. Specify a Survey Deadline (in hours). This setting controls how long, after the event begins, that an attendee is eligible to complete the survey. This text box has a limit of 4 characters.

Why isn't the event survey appearing in the dropdown?

Check the event survey form to ensure that it has a Scope of Event Survey.

Sending a survey to attendees

To send attendees an event survey:

  1. Click Events in the top navigation bar.

  2. Navigate to the appropriate event/template.

  3. Click Edit Communications.

  4. Click Edit on the mailing which will include the survey link. This mailing should use the trigger of Hours After Event.

  5. Add the Form-Survey-Link merge field to the mailing.


  • If you don’t see the Form-Survey-Link merge field, make sure the corresponding event or template has a selected value for the survey setting in Edit Form > Edit Properties.

  • If the event/template has a survey deadline, the time should exceed the "hours" setting of the mailing.

  • Event surveys can only be completed after the event or scheduler appointment begins.

Testing the Survey Link

The Form-Survey-Link merge field generates a unique link for each registration.

It uses the following format:

{{your instance URL}}/register/form?sid={{registration's unique identifier}}

Since the registration's unique identifier is integral to the Form-Survey-Link merge field, you will need to submit a test registration for an event (which can be a test event) to test the merge field. The following methods will not let you test the merge field: Clicking the link in the sample message area, Send Test Message, and Submit Form Test.

Viewing Survey Responses

To generate a report on an event/template's survey responses, click the Survey Responses button when viewing the event/template.

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