Exporting Admin PDF Download Materials
  • 15 Nov 2023
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Exporting Admin PDF Download Materials

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Article summary

PDF documents can be exported manually using Query Builder (please see Exporting Materials to an External System for scheduling material exports).  For exporting materials using the Admin PDF Download method, follow the steps below:

Select Queries / Reports on the top navigation bar.

  1. Select New Query.

  2. Name the query. (Note that PDF document exports are only available with the Applications or Document Export (Applications) query populations.)

    While it is possible to select the PDF Document Export output option when manually running a Document Export (Applications) query, use the Applications population to run a one-time admin PDF download.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Select exports. Note that minimal exports are required, as the goal is to identify the population to export. For this reason Ref and Name are sufficient. 

  5. Add filters to identify the population to be exported. For example, include filters for Program or Round.

  6. Select Run Query.

  7. From the Output destination, select PDF Document Export. 

  8. A dialog opens to provide additional options:

    • Format:

      • Export as a single PDF: Generates a new, single PDF containing all documents for all applicants in the same file.

      • Export as single PDF directly to a local printer: Does not generate a file to save to a local drive, but instead prints directly. This option requires the Slate Desktop application to be installed.

      • Export as individual PDFs within a ZIP archive: Exports a zip archive file containing individual PDF files for each applicant. Each applicant file contains the parts selected.

    • Insert Part: Select the parts or materials to be included in the export. 

      •  For example, a part named "Writing" could be set up to include all writing-related materials, such as Personal Essay, Scholarship Essay, and Writing Supplement. 

      • If Admin PDF Download Tab Groups have been created, they will appear in the Parts selector. If not, the selector will display a standard list of materials, including all active custom materials created in Materials

        Note that the default admin PDF download options are not available if at least one custom Reader Tab Group and Reader Tab Material is created. Be sure to create all materials to be downloaded with this method in Reader Tab Groups and Reader Tab Materials when modifying the default behavior.

  9. Select the desired Format and Parts, then select Export. The download takes place in the browser window.

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