Exporting Slate.org Data
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Exporting Slate.org Data

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Article summary

🔑 Required Permissions

Slate.org lets you export student and application data as Excel files. To do so requires the Download Student Data permission


Available Data Points

Data points available in exported Student files include: 

  • First Name

  • Preferred Name

  • Middle Name

  • Last Name

  • Birthdate

  • Email Address

  • Mobile Phone

  • Slate.org Account Status

  • Application Count

  • Expected Entry Term

  • Student Type

  • HS Name


  • HS Date of Attendance - From

  • HS Date of Attendance - To

  • HS Expected Graduation Date

  • HS GPA Scale (Verified)

  • HS GPA (Verified)

  • HS Class Rank (Verified)

  • HS Class Size (Verified)

  • Awards (Verified)

  • HS GPA (Self-Reported)

  • HS GPA Scale (Self-Reported)

  • HS Class Rank (Self-Reported)

  • HS Class Size (Self-Reported)

  • Awards (Self-Reported)

Data points available in exported Application files include: 

  • First Name

  • Preferred Name

  • Last Name

  • Birthdate

  • College/University

  • Application Round

  • Application Deadline

  • Application Status

  • Status Category

  • Decision

  • Decision Date

  • Decision Viewed By Applicant 

Export Student Data

To export student data from Slate.org:

  1. Select Students from the main navigation.

  2. Select the list you'd like to export, whether from All Students, a personal list, or a shared list.

  3. If you'd like to narrow the results of your selected list, click the Filter icon.

  4. Select the options required to narrow results to your liking. Options include Graduation Year, Applications (Show All, Has Shared Applications, or No Shared Applications), and Slate.org Account Status (Show All, Active, Active - Independently Counseled, Invited, and Inactive).

  5. Click Apply Filters.

  6. Click Download to Excel at top right. A new tab opens and a system dialog prompts you to save the file. 

Export Application Data

To export application data from Slate.org:

  1. Select Applications from the main navigation.

  2. Select the list you'd like to export, whether from All Students, a personal list, or a shared list.

  3. Click Download to Excel at top right. A new tab opens and a system dialog prompts you to save the file. 

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