Field Editor
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • 1 minute read
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Field Editor

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Article summary

The Field Editor provides a full-fledged editing tool for creating or editing fields. All options for creating and editing are available on corresponding tabs, and the Fields summary page enables sorting by scope and showing or hiding fields by inactive or active status.

Creating a New Field

To create a field with the Field Editor:

1. Click the Database icon in the main navigation and select Fields

2. Click New Field. The New Field popup appears.

The most commonly used configurations shown on the Details tab. 

Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Editing an Existing Field

To edit an existing field:

1. Click the Database icon in the main navigation and select Fields.

3. Modify the configuration settings as desired.

Note: When editing an existing field, the values for Scope, ID, Field Type, and Prompt are not editable. This prevents changing field information that other parts of the Slate instance might reference, which could inadvertently corrupt your data.

4. When finished editing the field, click Save.


If you have administrative access, an Unlock link appears in the lower right of the popup. Clicking the link causes a warning message to appear, notifying you of the risk of data corruption.

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