Fields that store free-text values
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Fields that store free-text values

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Article summary

Custom fields will have different configurations based on the type of data stored. This section will focus on four types of custom fields:

  • Fields that store free-text values

  • Fields that store a single value from a prompt list

  • Fields that store multiple values from a prompt list

  • Fields that store a yes/no value

Before configuring custom fields in Slate, carefully consider the data being captured and how it will be leveraged in Slate.

Create Free-Text Value Fields

Fields that store free-text values are generally used to collect non-standard data. If a prompt list would not effectively capture data for a particular field, then a free-text field is appropriate. Examples of this often include Explanation, Description, or Other Item fields.

🔔 Important!

The following settings should never be changed after a field is in use:

  • Scope

  • ID

  • Prompt

  • Value

Changes to any of these may result in inconsistent and inaccurate data. 

To create a field that stores free-text values:

1. Click the Database icon in the main navigation and select Fields.

  • Status

  • Scope Category

  • Scope - Set the appropriate scope.

  • ID

  • Name

  • Field Type

Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

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