Filtering on Free-Text Fields
  • 21 Nov 2023
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Filtering on Free-Text Fields

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Article summary

Filters for text-driven fields are not automatically generated. Generally isn't a reason to filter on free text. Free-text fields can store unlimited variations of a single response. Typically exports are all you'll need for a free-text field. However, there may be occasions where you wish to query on very specific text. This can be accomplished using Subquery Filters in a configurable joins query.

Formula (Aggregate)

Organization Name is

One approach is to use a "Formula" Aggregate filter:


Last Name Contains

You can use the LIKE operator, with or without a wildcard (%), to find text that contains a specific value. For instance, here's an example for looking for records whose last name contains "Sam": mceclip0.png

Last Name Starts with

Another looking for last names starting with "Sam": mceclip1.png

Last Name Starts with Letters A-F

Another looking for last names that start with the letters "A" through "F": mceclip2.png

Comparison (Aggregate)

Organization Name is

Another way is to use a "Comparison" Aggregate filter:inline-1848225005.png

In this example, a literal export was added to check against a specific school name ("An Example School").​

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