Finding Messages
  • 10 Nov 2023
  • 1 minute read
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Finding Messages

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Article summary

The Inbox page allows users to view open and recently resolved messages that are assigned to roles and associated groups to which the user has been granted access.

There are several methods that can be used together to filter the messages displayed:




Users are able to find specific messages or specific types of messages by using the Search Inbox... search box. The search box performs a partial match search on both the subject and the body of the message.

Assignment Filter

Your Assignments: Only messages assigned to the current user.

Assigned: All messages that are assigned to a user, including those that are not assigned to the current user.

Unassigned: All messages that are not currently assigned to a specific user.

Status Filter

Open: Messages that have not been marked as resolved.

Recently Resolved: Messages that were marked as resolved within the past 7 days.

Junk: Messages that have been marked as junk within the past 7 days.

Deleted: Messages that have been deleted within the past 7 days.

Show Starred

Shows messages that have been starred.

Roles Filter

Your Roles: Messages that are associated with any of the current user's Inbox-enabled roles.

Specific Role: Messages that are associated with the selected role only.

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