Form Payment Receipt Merge Fields
  • 17 May 2024
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Form Payment Receipt Merge Fields

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Article summary

When using the Form Payment Widget to collect a payment inside a form, the Form Payment Receipt merge fields can add payment data to a form communication.

Default Merge Field Option

A standard merge field allows the insertion of a simple payment receipt.

  1. Click Edit Message in any form communication, on a form containing a payment widget set to collect payments using Slate Payments.

  2. Locate and click the merge field button titled "Form-Payment-Receipt."

  3. The following Liquid text will be added to the message:

    Thank you for your payment of ${{Form-Payment-Receipt.amount}} on {{ | date:'MMMM dd, yyyy'}}.
    Payment Account: {{Form-Payment-Receipt.payment_account}}
    Transaction ID: {{Form-Payment-Receipt.transaction_id}}
  4. Customize: so long as you don't alter the merge fields within that Liquid, you can edit the text or change the format. For example, you might prefer a table layout:


Custom Usage

The merge field button is designed to provide a sample usage. However, the Form-Payment-Receipt object is available anywhere in messages on forms that use the payment widget to collect payments, and any of the fields within that object can be used as a merge field. For example, rather than using the merge field button at all, you could add {{Form-Payment-Receipt.amount}} anywhere in your message to insert the amount paid. These merge fields can also be used in Liquid logic to display a special message for recurring payments.

The Form-Payment-Receipt object has a number of available fields that can be used as merge fields:

Merge Field



Amount that was paid, formatted as a decimal.


Payment account, such as "Application Fee"


Unique transaction ID of the form ch_a1B2c3


Has a value of "1" if a recurring payment was created (only applies to Advancement)


Three-letter currency name, such as "USD" for U.S. dollars


Amount that was deducted for processing


"CC" for a credit card, "ACH" for checking account


Last four digits of card number/account number


Date of payment, which can be formatted using, e.g. {{ | date:'MMMM dd, yyyy'}}

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