Form Response Metadata
  • 07 Apr 2024
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Form Response Metadata

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Article summary

Slate captures metadata about form responses, such as UTM parameters and IP addresses. This information is visible when accessing a form response within Slate; moreover, this information is queryable. Some metadata require additional permissions. "IP Address" and "User Agent", for instance, are only visible to users with the Security Administrator exclusive permission.

Accessing Form Response Metadata

Navigate to the desired form, event, or interview slot and click on a form response/registration to view the metadata.

The metadata that was captured upon form submission will display:

  • Registrant: A clickable link to the person or dataset record for the registrant. (If Registrant is blank, the form submission is unable to create a new record or match on an existing record)

  • Submitted: Date and time of the form submission. (If submitted internally, the name of the Slate user will also display)

  • Last Updated: Date and time of the most recent form submission or update. (If submitted internally, the name of the Slate user will also display)

  • Created: Date and time of the creation of the form submission

  • Status: Registration status of the registrant. The options are Registered or Cancelled. Event registration forms also include options for: Attended, No Show, Waitlist, and Declined

  • Referrer: A clickable link to the referring URL

  • UTM: Parameters for UTM (Urchin Tracking Module), which includes: Source, Medium, Content, and Campaign

  • IP Address: The IP address of the form submitter. (Requires Security Administrator Exclusive Permission)

  • User Agent: The computer and browser data of the form submitter. (Requires Security Administrator Exclusive Permission)


Don't see all the metadata?

The metadata will only appear when captured upon form submission. For example, if UTM parameters were not included in the URL, these rows would not appear.

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