Form Settings - Edit Properties
  • 13 Jan 2025
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Form Settings - Edit Properties

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Article summary

On a form’s overview page, select Edit FormEdit Properties to edit the properties of the form itself, including its scope, layout, merge fields, and more.



Scope describes the entity to which the form is related.

  • Person: Person-scoped forms collect or update information on a person and do not require them to be an applicant (for example, Inquiry Form).

  • Application: Application-scoped forms require login and a selection of an application round where an application is started (for example, Decision Reply Form).

  • Application Creation: Similarly to the "Application" scope, Application Creation forms allows for the mapping of application fields.  Application Creation forms do not require that the student be logged in and the form can be accessed publicly. This allows for the creation of an application for a person upon form submission. In order for an application to be created, "Round" needs to be mapped, and the "Submitted Flag" may also be mapped (this creates the application with a submitted status upon form submission). These fields can be set as "hidden" to ensure the same round is always created when a particular form is submitted. Additional information on Application Creation Forms.

  • Person Page: Person Page-scoped forms are used to create custom tabs to display person-scoped data points on the student record. After creating a form with this scope, add a new tab using the Tab admin tool in Database to display this form as a tab on the student record.

  • Application Page: Application Page-scoped forms are used to create a page of an application, or to a create a custom application-scoped tab used to display fields on the student record (for example, additional custom questions that need to be added to the Slate Application template).

  • Reader: Reader-scoped forms should be used when creating forms to display within the reader (for example, Reader Review form).

  • Dataset: Dataset-scoped forms, for form and event registrations, are intended only for a particular dataset (such as organization contacts, organizations, or alumni volunteers). Note that forms and events scoped for a specific dataset will not add student records, and should not be used to register students.

  • Form/Event Notes: This option allows the user to create a form that can be tied to a specific form or event for internal use. Once created, these forms become selectable options on a form or event (such as comments on college fairs or high school visits).

Dataset (dataset, dataset page scope only)

Specifies which dataset the form is associated with.


Allows multiple submissions by the same registrant. If not selected, a new submission by the same registrant will update the existing registration, which is typically the desired behavior.

Require Checklist (application scope only)

This form can only be accessed if the record has the form as a checklist item.

Save for Later (application scope only)

This flag applies to only forms that are displayed on an applicant's status page and will enable the applicant to save an in-progress form to return to later to submit. This flag is appropriate for financial aid applications and other long forms.


Updates system fields even when the registrant has an application for the current period. This should generally remain unchecked, unless a particular form should update these system fields for applicants.

Learn more about how safe and unsafe behavior can affect your records here.\


  • Require secure link/login: Selecting this setting requires the form submitter to sign into their existing account to access the form. Additionally, filters for previously captured data points will be available for conditional logic. For example, a process might call for a form field to show up based on previously captured data points for Citizenship.

  • Allow secure link/login filters: With this setting, the filters available with "Require secure link/login" can be accessed without requiring a login by the form submitter. Slate can access the record data, typically through a query string parameters. Be aware that if the student has come to the form from an open link without first being logged in, Slate will not be able to identify the student, and such filters will generally not work. Fully testing these filters is recommended to be sure that form fields, sections, and prompts conditionally appear as expected.

Update Only

When set, this form will not create new records and will only update existing records.

Notes Form

May be used to associate a Form/Event Notes Form for the collection and review of data pertaining to the event or form.


Defines the layout of all of the form fields on the form. 

Custom List Fields

Adds exports and creates custom registration columns to replace or supplement default registration columns in forms, events, and slots. When utilized for events and slots, these custom registration columns carry over into the "Launch Check In" page.

Merge Fields

Add personalized content to the instructional text or display labels in your form by adding merge fields. See Merge Fields on Forms for more information.

Widget Settings (page construction widget scopes only)

Widget Height

Adjusts the height of the widget pop up.

Widget Width

Adjusts the width of the widget pop up.

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