Form Templates
  • 07 Apr 2024
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Form Templates

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Article summary

Using form templates will save time, minimize work effort, and help to ensure consistency across your forms. Form templates can also be shared with colleagues, so everyone can work from the same templates and create consistent forms with default form fields, rules, and form communications.

Create a Form Template

  1. Click Forms in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Template

  3. Enter the following form template configurations on the details tab of the popup window:

    • Template Name - The template name will be listed internally.

    • Status - Set the status to Active.

      Skip all other configuration settings for now.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Edit the form template and create new communications mailings that will be used for all forms using this template. 

Clone a Form From a Form Template

  1. Click Forms in the top navigation bar.

  2. Click New Form. 

  3. Enter the following form configurations in the popup window:

    • Page Title - The page title will display to the person.

    • Clone From Template - Select the form template.

    • Folder - Put forms in folders to keep forms organized. Select Other to create a new folder.

    • Status - Set the status to Confirmed/Active.

    Skip all other configuration settings for now.

  4. Click Save.  

🔔 Important!

Only form fields, form rules, and form communications will be cloned from a form template.

All updates to the form template will not update any associated forms. Updates to the form template will only be seen on future cloned forms. Edits made to the cloned form will only update that particular form.

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