Free Text Field for Application Fee Waiver Codes
  • 15 Nov 2023
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Free Text Field for Application Fee Waiver Codes

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Article summary

Your institution may provide application fee waiver codes and prefer not to have an applicant select a code from a prompt list within an application. Alternatively, it is possible to create fields with a prompt list and associate it with a free-text form field within an application page-scoped form within a Slate application.

Create a Field

  1. Create a single value application-scoped field.

  2. Create a list of prompts and associate it with the field.

Add the Field to a Form

Once the field is created and available for use, add the field to a form.

  1. Add a select list form field and use the System Field selector to select your waiver code field.

  2. Copy the Export Key.

  3. Select Cancel. Do not add this field to the form as a select list.

  4. Now, select a text field.

  5. Give the field a Label.

  6. Do not map to a System Field.

  7. Paste the Export Key previously copied into the Export Key setting.

  8. Click Save.

Once the field has been added to the form and the form has been embedded within the application, applicants can begin typing in waiver codes:

  • If the applicant types in data that matches a prompt value, the value will save as a prompt when the form is submitted. Case sensitivity does not matter, so long as the values match a prompt value in the prompt list, the prompt will be saved to the system field.

  • If the applicant types in data that does not match an existing prompt - no value will be saved.

Many institutions that employ this method ask qualifying questions such as "Do you have a waiver code" and if the answer to that question is “Yes,” then the fee waiver free text field is conditionally displayed. For those that responded "Yes" but did not type in something that matches the prompt list, a submission requirement would assist by looking for applicants who said “Yes” to the "Do you have a waiver code" question, but no value was saved in the waiver field.


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