Fundraising Campaigns
  • 09 Jan 2025
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Fundraising Campaigns

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Article summary

Slate provides a Campaigns tool to create and manage various campaigns (such as annual, capital, or endowment) for associating gifts.

Configuring a Campaign

  1. Select Records on the Slate navigation bar. The Person records search page appears.

  2. On the right side of the page, click Campaigns. The Campaigns search page appears.

  3. Click New Record. A Campaign New Record Form page appears.

  4. Enter the following configurations:

    • Name: Provide a name for the campaign. This name will appear in the list of available campaigns when managing a gift.

    • Key: Provide a computer-friendly key value (using only lower case letters and no special characters).

    • Campaign Type: Select Parent Campaign or Standalone or Sub-Campaign. If choosing Standalone or Sub-Campaign, a Parent Campaign field appears to provide the name of the parent campaign.

    • Start Date: Select the date when the campaign begins.

    • End Date: Select the date when the campaign ends.

    • Goal: Provide the dollar-amount goal desired for the campaign.

    • Stretch Goal: (Optional) Provide the dollar-amount stretch goal for the campaign.

  5. Click Submit.

Once a gift is associated with a campaign, that gift will then appears on the Gifts tab of the Campaigns summary page.

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