Funds Dataset for Advancement
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Funds Dataset for Advancement

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Article summary

The Funds dataset houses information associated with funds that the advancement office manages. Storing funds as their own entities within Slate allows multiple data points such as accounting information, fund contacts, etc., to all be maintained together.

The Fund dataset is then linked to the funds field to tie gifts and funds together for reporting purposes. The Funds dataset has purposefully not been populated with many fields as each institution chooses to store different data points. Commonly added fields do include those to store information related to:

  • Benefits

  • Accounting

  • VSE reporting

  • Fund details such as start/end dates

Most Commonly Added Custom Funds Fields:

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Fund ID
Fund Name
Fund Account Code
Benefits Account Code
Benefits Chart of Accounts Code
Benefits Fund Code
Benefits Index Code
Benefits Organization Code
Benefits Program Code
Chart of Accounts Code
Fund Index Code
Online Giving Title
Organization Code
Program Code
Start Date
End Date

Available in Online Giving
Restriction Indicator
Fund Request
Fund Pledge
Fund Agreement
Fund Type
VSE Type

Fund Agreement

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