Gifts and Pledges on a Form
  • 17 May 2024
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Gifts and Pledges on a Form

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Article summary

Gift and pledge payment details can be collected on a Slate form using Slate Payments. This form must include person information that can be used to match existing records in your database or to create new records. This article describes how to collect gifts and pledges on external forms and how to configure the payment widget using a simple calculation.

Giving with a Form

Slate collects data primarily through forms.

🔔 Important!

The following fields should be included on a person-scoped form to create a new record or match an existing record:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Birthdate

  • Email Address

  • Gift Type

  • Gift Status

  • Gift Fund

  • Gift Amount


System Field

Field Scope


Soft Credits

Giving - Gift

Apply - Apply Relationship to Soft Credits

Gift Type

Giving - Gift

Gift - Type

Gift Status

Giving - Gift

Gift - Status

Gift Fund

Giving - Gift

Gift - Fund

Gift Amount

Giving - Gift

Gift - Amount

Gift Payment

Payment Widget


Pledging with a Form

When “Make a Pledge” is selected, the form dynamically shows pledge-related questions. All pledge fields can be dragged from the form palette. In this section, a payment widget will not be included.

🔔 Important!

The following fields should be included on a person-scoped form to create a new record or match an existing record:

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Birthdate

  • Email Address

  • Gift Type

  • Gift Status

  • Gift Fund

  • Gift Amount


System Field

Field Scope


Soft Credits

Giving - Pledge

Apply - Apply Relationship to Soft Credits

Pledge Status

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Status

Pledge Type

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Type

Pledge Fund

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Fund

Pledge Amount

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Amount


Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Installments: Number of Installments

Installments Months

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Installments: Months Between Installments

First Installment

Giving - Pledge

Pledge - Installment: Date Override 

Payment Widget

Slate Payments must be configured to use a giving form to allow individuals to enter and pay for gifts in the same form. When adding a payment, just drag the payment widget onto the form. Populate the payment amount formula by entering the export value of the gift amount field to the payment amount formula.


This widget allows an individual to make a payment. This payment widget is using Slate Payments to either debit a checking account or accept a credit or debit card.


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