

An activity associated with the application record and viewable on the Application tab. Commonly used to store application and enrollment fees.
Admin Entry
Admin Entry describes when a form is submitted internally in Slate by a logged in user.
A record which has created an application or has had an application imported into Slate.
A set of data which pertains to an individual applying to your institution.
Application Creation Form
A form that, when submitted, creates an application and application tab on a student record.
Archive Deliver messages to hide them from Slate users without fully deleting them or losing any associated data. Archive can also be used for any queries, reports, forms, voyages.
Attendees (event guests)
Number of people registering for an event through one form response, including the registrant.
Attendees (Event Registrants)
Registrants that have been marked as attended for an event or slot.
Audit Log
Located on the Timeline tab of the student record, the Audit Log displays changes to the the student record. These include items such as changes in field values, application creation, uploaded materials, and setting of tags.


To "Blind Carbon Copy" an email address means that the recipient in the "To" field will not be aware that the message was sent to another address.


Calculation Formula
Calculation formulas can be added to form fields in order to perform mathematical equations, concatenations, and pre-fill data in fields, among other actions.
A series of messages in Slate most often used in reference to Drip Marketing. A campaign does not refer to a single message.
Categories allow you to group prompts within your prompt list.
The Inbox Live Bots combines frequently asked questions with natural language processing to match answers to questions.
Check Logic
Use "Check Logic" to confirm that a record meets the logic of a recipient list query.
A list of post-application submission items an applicant needs to provide in order to be reviewed.
Cloud Computing

Remote servers accessed over the internet to store, manage, and process data, instead of using local servers or personal computers. It allows users to access files and applications from anywhere with an internet connection.

Conditional Logic
Similar to Liquid Markup, Conditional Logic allows text or images to be displayed or hidden based on defined criteria.
Created (Deliver Status)

In Deliver, the status of Completed indicates a message has been evaluated for sending, and it will not automatically be sent again.


Data Table

A structured arrangement of information in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet, where each row represents a record, and each column represents a different attribute or variable. Data tables are commonly used to organize and present data in a systematic and easy-to-understand format, facilitating analysis, comparison, and interpretation of data.


A structured collection of data that is organized and stored electronically, allowing for efficient retrieval, manipulation, and management of information. It serves as a centralized repository where data can be stored, updated, and accessed by users or applications as needed.

Delay Delivery
Delay Delivery allows a Deliver Message to be sent at an exact time, and should not be used in conjunction with Delivery Windows in Ongoing Mailings.
Email Deliverability allows users to enter an email address to view messages previously sent to that address along with a log of email-related activity and suppression list information.
Delivery Window
For Ongoing Mailings, Delivery Windows are two-hour time frames in which the Recipient List of a Deliver message will be evaluated for sending. Any records meeting the Recipient List criteria on the defined weekdays will receive the message during the Delivery Window.
Device Type
Types of communication methods to contact a student. Slate offers default device types such as primary phone, mobile phone, evening phone, and email address. Custom device types can also be created.
Direct Entry
Direct Entry describes when a form is submitted outside of Slate using the public URL, even when the form submitter is a Slate administrator.
DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authenticates an email you send from Slate by letting email servers know that an email is from you and not from a spam account.
Drip Marketing
A series of targeted messages in Slate connected by a defined population released over time. Messages in a Drip Marketing campaign will utilize population filters, including "Population Timestamp" or "Population Timestamp Days."



The individual(s) viewing and interacting with external content, such as a portal or event registration page (in contrast to your Slate users). These could be representative of Person, Application, or Dataset records, or might be anonymous.

Enrolled (Person Status)

A person status assigned to a record after a student has been deemed enrolled into your institution.


Entities are custom objects/scopes exclusive to your database. A record can have a one-to-many relationship with an Entity; moreover, an Entity can belong to a person record, application record, or dataset record. Example entities include scholarships, class schedules, and more.

An event can be created to collect registrations, similar to a form. However, unlike forms, events have a date/time associated with them, and may have a location.
Event Communication
A communication triggered by an action taken related to an event. An event communication can be sent due to an event registration, update, waitlist registration, or can be triggered to send relative to when the event is taking place. Event communications are typically transactional, rather than marketing focused.
Export Key
An Export Key will be pre-populated for mapped form fields. If a form field is unmapped, an export key can be entered to enable querying on this field data.


A field is part of a record and contains a single piece of data (a value).
Assigning materials to the Folio will allow a material to be associated with a person record and fulfill and checklist items for any application(s) associated with the person record.
Force Execute
Administrative method to force rules created in the Rules Editor tool to be run on a record.
Forms in Slate are used for a number of tasks, from collecting data from prospective students to administratively updating specific data points for student records. A form is quite often an integral piece for many of the other Slate modules. A well-developed form can play a crucial role in marketing efforts, record management, reader review, events, and interviews.
Form Communications
A communication triggered by an action taken related to a form. A form communication can be sent due to an event registration, update, waitlist registration, or based on the form deadline. Form communications are transactional rather than marketing focused.
Form Field
Form fields are data points collected on a form; these can be text boxes, prompt-driven lists, addresses, or many other types of data. Unmapped form fields can capture data that is not essential within the larger context of the person record as they will not store back to the record. Form fields mapped to system fields will be stored back on the associated record.
Format Mask
Format masks can be placed on form fields to ensure that data is entered and formatted consistently. For example, a GPA field may be restricted to only numeric data with two digits following the decimal point. In other examples, a field format may include a currency with a thousands separator, or a field may force the input to be in the form of an email address.


Gateway Inbox
When using the Microsoft Outlook Add-in or the Email to Slate Gateway feature, emails that were received in another system can be forwarded into Slate and matched against existing records. All forwarded emails are gathered in the Gateway Inbox and waiting to be matched.
Glossary Example

This is what terms defined in our glossary look like!

Number of people joining a registrant at an event.


Hard Fail
Warns that data missing from the Slate application is required before an applicant is able to submit their application.


An iCal (or iCal feed) is created when Slate events are added to a personal calendar outside of Slate (i.e. Outlook, Google).
Administrative method to test a Slate user access and permissions settings.
In Progress (Deliver Status)

In Deliver, the status of In Progress indicates a message is still being configured and has not yet been set to send.

Inbox allows email messages to be sent to a general, office-wide email account associated with person records in Slate. In addition to manual management of incoming email, rules can be leveraged to automate message tasks such as user assignment and automatic replies.
Inbox Live Bot
The Inbox Live Bots combines frequently asked questions with natural language processing to match the answers to questions asked.
Inquiry (Person Status)
A person status assigned to a record after a form submission or a test score has been submitted. This is the second level of Person Status (Prospect, Inquiry, Applicant).
A touch-point made with a student/donor. Items such as emails and texts sent from within Slate are automatically recorded, while interactions occurring outside of Slate are tracked manually.
Historical entry recording various interests of a student that is typically used within the Slate application.
Another term for a Scheduler slot. Interviews/slots are very similar to Events, but are built to only allow one registration.


Historical entry recording a student's work history that is typically used within the Slate application.

A method used to connect multiple data tables to one another when creating a query.


Landing Page
A webpage created to display events in specified folders. The landing page can show a calendar, list, or map view.
Liquid Markup
Similar to Conditional Logic, Liquid Markup allows text or images to be displayed or hidden based on defined criteria. Liquid Markup offers more nuance that Conditional Logic and is generally recommended for more complex logic.


A single communication in Deliver, including emails, texts, postcards, etc. Can be used interchangeably with "Message." Alternately, a "Campaign" is a series of mailings.
Mapped Field
A mapped field is connected to a corresponding field on a record in Slate. This connection is made by selecting from the "System Field" drop down in a form field.
Any document that needs to be stored with a person record.
A single communication in Deliver, including emails, texts, postcards, etc. Can be used interchangeably with "Mailing." Alternately, a "Campaign" is a series of messages.
Message Group
Message groups allow for a message recipient to opt out a single message group (such as undergraduate, history department, etc.), rather than setting the "Opt Out" tag by opting out from all future communications.
Message Preview
Use "Display Sample Message" to preview the look of the message for any possible recipient. Especially useful when building messages that contain conditional logic, this tool allows every iteration of a message to be tested.


Opt Out
Most frequently, Opt Out refers to the tag on the person record in Slate indicating a record has opted out of receiving communication. This tag can be set administratively, via import, or as a result of certain decisions added to the record.
A dataset containing U.S. domestic high schools and colleges within Slate.
Sending a message to the Outbox will allow for final review before the mailing is delivered. Outbox is most often used for print communications such as postcards.
Outreach Mailing
Also known as an event invitation, Outreach Mailing is a specific type of event communication trigger. This type of communication allows a recipient list to be constructed from a specific population of records while selecting the necessary exports, much like a Deliver mailing, directly from an event.


A period defines the span of time during which an application may be created (i.e. application cycle).
Person Record
The Person Record is where an individual's data will be stored and displayed. This includes their status, biographical and contact information, a timeline of interactions, application materials, academic, scores, interests, and much more.
Ping is an analytics service that records web accesses and associates the access history with user profiles.
A Population is a group of records with like attributes that are assigned a common label in Slate via population rules in the Rules Editor. Populations can include both prospect records and application records, and records can be enrolled in multiple populations at the same time.
Postcards can be designed in Deliver and sent via postal mail. The associated cost includes both the printing and postage, and the current rates can be found in the Deliver Configuration tool.
Pre-Flight Checks
Pre-Flight Checks are errors and warnings that identify the most common mistakes in Deliver, but they should not be used exclusively for message review. Red "Errors" will prevent activation of the message, while orange "Warnings" will require a use to acknowledge the warning by typing a confirmation message.
Prompts are distinct choice values used in conjunction with fields.
Prospect (Person Status)
A person status assigned to a record after it's original creation in Slate. This is the first level of Person Status (Prospect, Inquiry, Applicant).


QR Code
QR codes are event specific codes that can be emailed or texted to students as a part of an event communication. These codes can be presented at the time of the event to allow for a quick and easy check-in process while using the Slate App.

A query is a question you ask a database to find specific information.

Query String Parameter
A Query String Parameter allows for a form to be pre-filled with data from a person record in Slate and associated with the record before form submission.


Ready for Review (Deliver Status)

In Deliver, the status of Ready for Review indicates a message has been created and requires another user to review and send.

The email address or mobile phone number of the person intended to receive a message.
Recipient List
A Recipient List is a live query (or uploaded spreadsheet) containing the list of people intended to receive a message.
A detailed review of an applicant by someone who knows them well.

A record is a single unit of data that contains information about a specific entity or object, typically represented as a row in a database table.

An overall generic summary of an applicant's strengths, career goals, and experience.
Registration Block
Registration blocks allow for groups attending an event to quickly complete the registration process. The form or event registration would appear on each individual's record in Slate.
Related Event
An event that can be selected on a form or event, in order to register for multiple events at once. Related Events allows for consolidation of event registration for multiple events into a single registration form.
Relational Database

Relational databases are organized collections of data stored in tables, where each table consists of rows and columns. These databases use structured relationships between tables to efficiently manage and retrieve data.

Family members of an individual can be stored as a relationship.
Replicate Block
Replicate blocks allows for ordered data to be captured on a form in a specified section.
Reschedule (administrative)
Allows a user to select another date/time for an event registrant.
Reschedule (external)
Allows an external event registrant (i.e. student, alumni) to reschedule themselves for an event on another date/time. Appropriate event folders should be selected to allow the registrant to only reschedule themselves for those events.
Application rounds may reflect the different types of applications institutions may offer at a high level (i.e. Applicant Type).
Running (Deliver Status)

In Deliver, the status of Running indicates that a message is currently being evaluated for sending. When a message is at this status, no additional action is necessary and the messages will be delivered per the send setting configuration.

Running/Ongoing (Deliver Status)

In Deliver, the status of Running/Ongoing indicates that a message will continue to send until the stop date or until the messages is manually stopped.  When a message is at this status, no additional action is necessary and the messages will be delivered per the send setting configuration.


A data point which will not be updated if a current application exists. This is the default setting for all fields created in the Fields tool.
Used to create events that are meant to only allow one registrant.
Schools attended by an individual. Schools are typically set via a form submission, dataset upload or application, and reference the institutions listed within the Organizations dataset.

A comprehensive constituent relationship management system created specifically to meet the needs of higher education institutions, such as admissions, student success, and advancement offices, all from within a single unified interface.

Slate Gateway
The Slate Gateway allows users to use a personalized BCC address to connect external email systems to Slate.
These are created within Scheduler as the event's registrants can sign up for. Only one registrant is allowed per slot.
SMS (Short Message Service) is the technical name for text messaging.
Mailing Snippets are used to insert HTML content conditionally into Deliver mailings, Decision letters, Dashboards, or Portals. Examples include staff signatures, blurbs on academic programs, images related to an academic or extracurricular interest.
Soft Fail
Warns that data missing is from the application, but will not prevent an applicant from successfully submitting their application.

A source is a data file or other import uploaded to Slate. Sources can be assigned to a Source Format, which standardizes how their data are imported.

Source Format

A Slate tool used to define and import source data into Slate. Source Formats can accept data in many file formats (excel spreadsheet, csv, XML document). You can read more in the Source Format Knowledge Base article.

SPAM is generally defined as unsolicited bulk email messages.
Split Testing
Split testing allows for the creation and testing of two different versions of a message to see which one results in more opens or clicks.
Historical entry recording a student's athletic history that is typically used within the Slate application.

Structured Query Language, a programming language used to view and modify your data. You do not need to know SQL to build, implement, or use Slate.

Standard Query Library

The Standard Query Library provides pre-built queries that allow access to information about your Slate database. Queries that are especially helpful include Slate Data Dictionary (a list of all standard fields in your database) and Field Configuration Review (fields that may not have been set up properly)

Stops can be included within a trip to schedule logistical appointments only to be seen and used by the person traveling (i.e. hotel stays, flights, private appointments).
Student Dashboard
The Student Dashboard is a tab located on the student record which displays important information regarding your student including past events attended, test scores and basic biographic information like sex, name and email.
Suppression List
A suppression list can be used when you need to exclude a population that cannot be identified with query filters. In other words, a random list of recipients needs to be excluded, and the only way to exclude them is to upload their email addresses in a spreadsheet.
System Emails
System generated emails that are transactional will trigger based on a very specific action in Slate. Some of the system emails were configured when the Slate Database was initially provisioned. Most system emails can be customized.


Data on a student record will be displayed via tabs such as Dashboard, Timeline, Profile and Materials. Additional custom tabs can be added to display additional fields of your choice.
A tab on the student record which displays a summary of all changes including emails, texts, field value changes, logins and administrative impersonations.
A summary of an applicant's academic history and grades.
An event communication trigger defines what causes a communication to send. For example, event communication triggers include "Upon Registration", "Upon Update", or "Hours After Event."
Trips allow for the organization of events, slots, stops, and notes under an overarching itinerary for ease-of-tracking.


Unmapped Field
An unmapped field is not connected to a corresponding field on a record in Slate. When submitted, the data will not be stored back to a record, but will be stored on the form submission.
This setting on a field, form or uploaded dataset will update the record regardless of an active application. This should only be used if the data being saved is from a trusted source.
When a recipient clicks "Unsubscribe" from an email message, they will have the option to Opt Out of all future communication, or from a particular message group as defined by the institution. If a student chooses to Opt Out of all future communication, then the "Opt Out" tag will be set on the person record.

An account with a username and password that can be used to access the internal-facing portion of Slate. While most users are also real-life people, some users might be a part of an integration with other software.

UTM or "Urchin Tracking Module" codes are basic codes that can be attached to custom URLs to track various marketing campaigns.


Watch Flag
A type of interaction which displays important information within a yellow bar at the top of a record.