How Standard IPEDS Filters & Exports are Calculated
  • 21 Nov 2023
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How Standard IPEDS Filters & Exports are Calculated

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Article summary

The standard exports and filters for IPEDS classification are calculated from three Slate-Standard fields and prompts: Citizenship, Race, and Hispanic. Since IPEDS doesn't consider the race or ethnicity of international students, all international students are given an IPEDS classification of Nonresident Alien, regardless of race or ethnicity. 

Slate uses a SQL statement to calculate an applicant's IPEDS classification. In plain English, the steps of that statement are:




If the Citizenship Status = "FN" (Foreign National), then export "Nonresident Alien"


If the "Hispanic" field is set to "Yes", then export "Hispanic of any race"


  1. If the number of values in the "race" field is >1, then export "Two or more races"

  2. If they do not have any value for the "race" field then export "Race/Ethnicity Unknown"

  3. Finally, all that's left over are those applicants that have a single value in the "race" field, in which case just that value is exported.

Best Practice

Store raw data (Citizenship, Race, Hispanic), then use standard exports and filters to calculate the IPEDS classification.

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