How to Report on Stealth Applicants for Imported Applications Using Origin Sources
  • 20 Nov 2023
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How to Report on Stealth Applicants for Imported Applications Using Origin Sources

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Article summary

You can use the origin source type Application Creation in conjunction with a custom field for application source to distinguish stealth applicants who enter your process via imported applications (like the Common Application) from those created by a Slate-hosted application. Stealth applicants are students who enter your funnel for the first time via an application.


The Origin Source, Source Type "Application Creation," will identify all student person records generated during application creation. However, this setting will not distinguish between application sources. To determine stealth applicants by application source, you will need to create a custom field for application source and a Report.

Setting Origin Group-First Source: Origin Source type: Application Creationapp_source.PNG


To create a custom field to track application source:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database. Then select Prompts. 

  2. Click Insert. Configure the following settings:

    • Key: Give this a computer-friendly name like app_source.

    • Value: Enter one of your application sources. For example, Imported Application, Application Creation Form, or Standard Slate Application.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Repeat the previous two steps until you've created a prompt of key app_source for each of your application sources. 

  5. From the main navigation, select Database. Then select Fields 

  6. Click New Field. Configure the following settings:

    • Scope: Application

    • Name: Application Source

    • Field Type: Multiple Values

    • Prompt: app_source

  7. Click Save. 

  8. Set the Application Source field/prompt value for each of your applications. For imported applications, use a static mapping to set the field and prompt values. Use a hidden field or a rule for applications created using the Slate application or an application creation form. 




Once all applications have an Application Source field/prompt value set appropriately, stealth applicants to a Slate-hosted application can be distinguished from stealth applicants from an imported application in a Report or Query that filters on the Origin Source, Source Type "Application Creation" and the Application Source field/prompt value.

The Origin Source calculation will update overnight on all records in your Production database that have been updated in the last year. To reset Origin Source values for older records:

  1. Select Queries / Reports.

  2. Create a query that filters for these older records.

  3. Click Run Query.

  4. Under Output, select Retroactive Refresh. 

  5. Click Export. These static records will move back into the Rules update queue, where they'll be eligible for Origin Source evaluation once more. 


If your database includes many records that need to be updated, we recommend breaking the update described in the preceding steps into batches. Execute the update overnight or when additional records in the update queue won't impact essential automations for current applicants.


Do not create an origin source with the source type "Source Format" Source: "CommonApp" or the specific Source Format for any imported application.

While the Record Creation and Source Format Source Interaction are set almost simultaneously on the record timeline, the origin source calculation process will always prioritize precise date-times (dates that include a timestamp) over source dates that do not.

The Application Creation source interaction includes a timestamp, so it will almost always appear ahead of the Source Format source interaction (a date only) on the record Timeline. 

Therefore, records entering your process for the first time via an imported application will update as Origin Source, source type "Application Creation," even if your origin group includes the origin source type for the imported application source format.

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