- 26 Jul 2024
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Impersonating a User
- Updated 26 Jul 2024
- 1 minute read
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Slate security administrators can impersonate a user.
While you impersonate a user, you see Slate as they see it: you won’t be able to access anything they aren’t permissioned to see. This can be helpful when troubleshooting permissions.
Impersonate a user
To impersonate a user:
From the main navigation, select Database.
Under Users & Access, select User Permissions.
Select a user, or create a new one.
Select Impersonate. A browser dialogue appears.
Click OK. You are redirected to the Slate database as the selected user.
Session toggle
🏔️ Summit 2024 Feature
Session Toggle lets you switch between the user you’re impersonating (indicated by a yellow circle around your user icon) and your own account as many times as you’d like.
Select Session Exit to end your impersonation.
Best practices
While impersonating a user:
Only impersonate one user at a time.
Don’t open multiple tabs or windows within the same browser when impersonating.