Importing Event Data
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Importing Event Data

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Article summary

Registrants can be imported directly to events with Upload Dataset if the event has first been created in Slate. Events cannot be created upon import.

Event Registrants

When importing event registrants, include the following optional data fields in addition to the registrant's information: first name, last name, email, birthdate, and/or a unique ID.  These are optional in the source file if all the records are for the same event and same status.  (They are not required in the file because they can be static mapped at the time of import, as detailed in Value Mappings below).



Registration Form ID  


Form Title

The Registration Form ID can be found by going to the specific event and locating the ID or Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)  in the URL.

Registration Status

Registration Status is required to indicate if the student attended the event or not.

Multiple Events Within Import

If multiple events are included within an import, construct the source file so that it contains one row per registrant record, per event. For example, if a student attended five events, they need to appear in the source file five times, with a different event in each row. Unlike Schools or Relationships, Event Registration information cannot be grouped in the Field Mapping stage. Therefore, if multiple form/event information is included in the same row, Slate cannot identify which information belongs to which form/event, requiring each event registration to be in a unique data row.

Value Mappings

Source fields must be mapped to the corresponding Event Registration fields in Slate. Destination fields are determined by the scope of the event. The same is true for the Guests and Registration Status fields. Be sure to complete the Value Mappings for Registration Status as well.

Event Scope

Source Value

Destination Value 


Registration Form ID

Form ID


Form Title

Set as Static Mapping if all rows are the same or map to Form Title



Form Guests


Registration Status

Set as Static Mapping if all rows are the same or map to Form Registration Status


Registration Form ID

Form ID (Application)


Form Title

Set as Static Mapping if all rows are the same or map to Application Form Title



Application Form Guests


Registration Status

Set as Static Mapping if all rows are the same or map to Application Form Registration Status

Note that Form Title  (if included in the source file) and Registration Status fields may be mapped in Static Mappings if the Title and Status should be the same for all records included in the imported file. After running the import, event information appears on the registrant's timeline and on the event page.


"Upon Registration" communications will not trigger to registrants that come in through an import. Only registrations directly submitted through the form by a user (or administrative user) generate “Upon Registration” emails. Imported registrants can however, be eligible to receive "Hours Before/After" event communications.


To keep things manageable in the Remap stage, Slate limits the events available for selection for Form Title mapping to those scheduled 180 days before today’s date, and 180 days after today’s date. If you need to import information to an event that is more than 180 days in the past or future, use Registration Form ID mapping instead, which will use the Form/Event GUID for matching.


When importing Event information through Upload Dataset, the data is stored to Form Properties as opposed to Form Fields. For this reason, you will be unable to view the number of guests on a particular Form Response, since the form and its form fields are never actually submitted. The Guests export included in new queries created from within an Event also points to Form Fields, so the value is also not visible there  This information can still be accessed by using the Form Guests export under Form Properties instead.   

To view this information within Form Fields, manually go into the Form Response, select the appropriate number of guests, and save the form for that field to populate for a particular imported registrant.  

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