International Education Evaluations (IEE) Integration
  • 01 Apr 2024
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International Education Evaluations (IEE) Integration

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Article summary

International Education Evaluations, LLC (IEE) provides evaluation and translation services of foreign diplomas, certificates, and transcripts. IEE is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). More information can be found on the International Education Evaluations website.

Slate Configurations

IEE delivers evaluations, translations, and original documents for records directly to your Slate SFTP directory to minimize processing steps for your staff. Follow the steps below to configure the integration between Slate and IEE.

Material Types

All documents imported into Slate must be assigned to a material type, or they will be sent to Batch Acquire for manual review. Use existing material types or create new material types for the evaluations, translations, and original documents in the Materials database tool.

IEE User Account

IEE will use this account for authentication while delivering the documents to your Slate SFTP directory.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Slate Template Library.

  2. Add the International Education Evaluations (IEE) Service Account in the Users section.

    Note: If you do not see this user account, refresh the Slate Template Library resources by selecting the refresh link at the top of the page.

IEE Source Format

This source format automatically sweeps for zip files that IEE delivers into the /incoming/iee SFTP directory and imports them into Slate.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the International Education Evaluations (IEE) (DIP) source format.

  3. Configure the remap settings for the source format.

    Note: Many items are pre-mapped, including the Material Filename and Material Code destinations. While can customize any other field mappings, the material destinations are required to import the documents, so do not change these field mappings.

  4. On the Value Mappings page, map the Material Code items to the specific material types that your institution will use for each type of document. 

  5. Edit the source format to set the Remap Active flag to Active once you are finished mapping. This will run the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value.

    Note: This source format is configured to de-dupe records within the source file, since multiple documents might be sent for a single person record. Changing this setting could result in the creation of duplicate records.

International Education Evaluations Configurations

Your institution's IEE portal must be configured to automatically send files to your Slate SFTP directory with this integration. To initiate this configuration, follow the procedure below.

You must provide the SFTP username for your IEE Service Account. The username is unique to your Slate database, follows the pattern "ieeservice@{{your subdomain}}" (for example, [email protected]), and is visible within Slate when viewing the SFTP connection settings (on the Roles tab) for the International Education Evaluations (IEE) Service Account on the User Permissions page.
Note: Only users with the Security Administrator permission can access this page.

Perform the following steps within your IEE portal:

  1. Log in to

  2. Select the Integrations link on the left-side pane.

  3. Provide the SFTP username for your IEE Service Account in the Username field.

    Note: The "ieeservice@" part of the username is already provided, so just enter the remaining part of the username. For example, enter "[email protected]" as ""

  4. Select Test Connection. If IEE is able to successfully connect, an option to Save appears.
    Note: It may take up to an hour for firewall settings to propagate once the user account is added to your Slate database. If the test connection is unsuccessful, and it has been less than an hour since the user account was activated in your database, this may be the reason. If the connection is still unsuccessful after that time, confirm that you have entered the username correctly and that the standard user account in Slate has not been modified.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Change the Turn on Slate Integration setting to Active to begin document delivery.

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