  • 03 Jun 2024
  • 1 minute read
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Article summary

The Profile tab lists all current and previous jobs, along with the dates of employment. The most recent job will always be listed first.

Jobs and courses data are also saved as grouped fields.

Review the standard Slate fields available for storing person data under each section of the profile tab in order to avoid field duplication when adding custom fields and prompts.


Jobs have one rank column:

  • rank


The ranking order is as follows:

  1. Order of Importance (ascending) - only if all Jobs have a defined Order of Importance.

  2. Employment Date: To (most recent to least recent). If no To Date is specified, the current date is used.

  3. ID (ascending)

Ranking Exclusions

  • None - all jobs are ranked.

The SQL code used to perform the ranking is below:

select row_number() over (partition by [record] order by [order], coalesce([to], getdate()) desc, [id]) as [rank]
from [job]

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