Kira Talent Integration
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Kira Talent Integration

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Article summary

Kira Talent combines on-demand, timed video and timed written assessments with existing admissions requirements to assist in holistic reviews of applicants. Kira works with over 300 programs worldwide to build applicant-first assessments that identify and select their best-fit students.

Slate features bidirectional integration with Kira, allowing you to both create applicant records in Kira as well as retrieve information about their Kira interview. Once imported, an applicant's personalized Kira check-in link can be displayed on a custom application status page or sent via Deliver. In addition, a Reader Tab Group can be configured to provide easy access to review Kira interviews. The instructions below describe setting up this integration with Kira.

Slate Configurations

Custom Fields

The custom fields store data from Kira that includes the personalized check-in link and a link to review the completed assessment.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Fields.

  2. Create an application-scoped custom field to store the Kira Check-In link.

  3. Create an application-scoped custom field to store the Kira Review link.

  4. (optional) Create an application-scoped custom field to store the Kira Public Review link. This field is only required if your institution wishes to retrieve a publicly accessible (no login required) link to review an applicant interview.

Best Practice

Set the ID for these fields to checkin_link, video_link, and public_review_link, respectively. This will allow the source format added later to work seamlessly. Otherwise, minor remapping of these fields will be required.


A query is used to identify eligible applicants and push them over to Kira via Web Services. Use the following Briefcase Import ID to add a pre-configured query for integration with Kira.

Kira Integration Query Briefcase ID


Follow the instructions below to complete the necessary configuration. You will need one query for each interview. See the Integrating Multiple Kira Interviews section below for more information.


Before you begin, you will need values for:

  • Interview UID

  • API authorization token

Both of these values are provided by Kira. For help finding these values, contact Kira directly at [email protected].

  1. Select Queries / Reports on the top navigation bar and go to the Kira integration query. If you just added this query via Briefcase Import, you should already see the query.

  2. Edit the query and add any additional filters required to reduce the output to only applicants who should be invited to the Kira interview.

  3. Edit the Schedule Export settings in the upper right.

  4. In the Endpoint setting, replace the example Interview UID with your Interview UID (refer to the example below).

  5. In the Headers setting, replace the example authorization token for the authorization token (refer to the example below).

  6. If desired, enable Notifications for this query and provide recipient email address values.

  7. If you are ready to begin exporting applicants for this interview, change the Status to Active.

  8. Save the changes. When finished, you will have a tracking query that sends new applicants to Kira via a web service nightly.

Source Format

A source format is used to retrieve data including the personalized check-in and review link on each applicant. Follow the instructions below to complete the necessary configuration. You will need one source format for each interview. See the Integrating Multiple Kira Interviews section below for more information.


Before you begin: You will need...

  • Interview UID

  • API authorization token

Both of these values are provided by Kira. For help finding these values, contact Kira directly at [email protected].

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Source Format Library.

  2. Add the Kira Talent Interview source format.

  3. To retrieve data from Kira, place the interview-specific endpoint from Kira into the Import Remote Server setting (the first highlighted section in the example below). This endpoint will look like:, where eXaMpL is the Interview UID. In addition, you will need to add the API Authorization token to the Authorization header. The example below indicates where to place the API Authorization token. Do not alter either of the other two headers since these are required to successfully retrieve information from Kira.

  4. Configure the Remap settings for the Format Definition. Many items have been pre-mapped. As always, feel free to customize how the data will be imported.
    Note: If you made custom fields with IDs of "checkin_link," "video_link," and "public_review_link," they should be pre-mapped. However, we recommend reviewing the accuracy of all mappings for your particular integration before activating the format.

  5. Set the Remap Active flag to Active on the Source Format once finished with mapping the Source Format. This runs the import using the Remap settings configured above for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value. When finished, you should have a source format that pulls data from a remote web service on a daily basis.

Integrating Multiple Kira Interviews

Because Kira's endpoints are unique to each interview, you need one query and one source format per interview.

Custom Fields

Generally, each application is only invited to one Kira interview (though different applications for the same person may be invited to different interviews (such as MBA and EMBA interviews). As a result, the same custom fields previously created can be used across multiple Kira interviews without conflict. If you do discover that a single application needs to be invited to multiple Kira interviews, reach out through the Community Forums for assistance.


The easiest way to begin is to save a copy of the original. Edit the filters to identify the applicants who are eligible for the new interview. The particular filters depend on your specific interviews and data, but common filters include Round Key or Application Program/Major. For some partners who had an integration with Kira prior to 2020, you may have a Kira Interview Type field available for filtering. This field is typically set by rules that are often driven by the aforementioned filters. In addition to altering the filters, update the Interview UID value in the Schedule Export - Endpoint setting. The headers, including the Authorization Token, remain the same.

Source Format

You may also save a copy of the original source format. However, it is critical that you not change the name or format setting when creating a copy. These settings connect the source format back to the shared library version. Any change to either the name or format will cause the import process to fail. When copying, include the remap settings, otherwise you will need to remap the source format later. Similar to queries, update the Import Automation - Import Remote Server setting to use the updated endpoint with the correct Interview UID from Kira.

Using Kira Data Within Slate

Application Status Page

The personalized check-in link can be displayed on your custom application status portal using a static content block. This gives applicants easy access to Kira to complete their interview. We recommend including conditional logic to display this check-in link only if the link exists and the applicant has not yet completed the Kira interview (the review link field does not exist). You may also choose to add a checklist item for the interview. This checklist item can be added using a rule, and again, using rules, can be completed once the review link field exists.


You may wish to deliver the personalized check-in link via Deliver in addition to the application status page. The check-in link field can be added to existing recipients lists and messages. Kira also offers an option to send an invitation email to the applicant from within Kira. This functionality is disabled by default in standard integration query using the literal export, "suppress_invitation_email" as show below.

🔔 Important

If this export is removed or set to "false" then Kira will send an email to the invited applicants. By keeping this export, you may set up your own message within Deliver that will give you greater control over when that message is sent (for example, only send once the application is submitted more than 24 hours ago).

Reader Tab Group

An applicant's review link can be set up to display within Reader. This allows readers to easily access Kira and review the applicant's interview responses. Use the following procedure to add a Reader Tab Group with the link:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Select Link as the Type.

  4. Set the URL to be the merge field for the custom field you made above (for example, {{video_link}}).

  5. Give the tab a Name (such as "Kira Interview").

  6. Set the Order value indicating where the tab should appear in Reader.

  7. (optional) If the tab should only appear if the applicant has a value in the Kira Interview Review Link field, select your Applications base, and use the Field Value Exists filter with the Review Link field selected.

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