Linking Datasets using Related Dataset Row Fields
  • 01 Aug 2024
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Linking Datasets using Related Dataset Row Fields

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Article summary

A related dataset row field allows a record (specifically a person record, application record, or a dataset record) to be linked to a record in a different dataset.

This article covers both using related dataset row fields on forms and importing data to create a link between different types of records.

Use Cases

Two common examples of related dataset row fields are:

  • Alumni Interviewer: This can be a person- or application-scoped related dataset row field that links the person record to the dataset record of the alumni who interviewed that student.

  • Other School Attending: This is an application-scoped related dataset row field that links an application record to the Organization dataset record of the school the student chose to attend. This is commonly collected on a reply to offer of admission form.

๐Ÿ“ Related dataset rows can also be used to connect a parent and child dataset.

Creating a Related Dataset Row Field

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Records and Datasets, select Fields.

  3. Select New Field.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Status: Active

    • Scope Category: Records

    • Scope: Set the scope for the dataset row field:

      • Typically this is Person or Application. The dataset record is then tied to the person or application record.

      • For example, a related dataset row field might be created for "Other School Attended," and would be scoped to the application, since it refers to the school the applicant chose to attend.

    • ID: The code that Slate uses to store fields in the database:

      • Must be all lowercase with no spaces or special characters other than underscore.

      • Donโ€™t change the ID after it is set and in use.

      • The ID is used for storage in your database. It is not a value that most administrative staff will see.

    • Name: Only visible internally. Can be changed later, even if data already exists for the field.

    • Field Type: Related Dataset Row

    • Multiple: Single value

    • Related Dataset: Select the dataset related to this field.

  5. Select Save.

To use this field immediately, refresh the quartet.

Using the related dataset row field

On a form

A related dataset row field can be added to person- and application-scoped forms (to collect information) and to a custom tab (to display the information on the person or application record).

When adding a related dataset row field to a form, map to the "(Record GUID)" version of the field mapping. This automatically adds the appropriate autosuggest to the form field.

For example, mapping a custom field for "School Attending (Organization Record GUID)" on an application-scoped reply form links the organization record to the record of the applicant submitting the form.

School Attending

In Upload Dataset

Related dataset row fields can also be populated through an import. When importing to this field using Upload Dataset, be sure that the key of the related dataset is included in the source file. When mapping the import, that key should be mapped to the Dataset Key version of the field mapping.

Dataset Row Mappings such as Dataset Key or GUID can be mapped to related dataset row fields for the following scopes:

  • Person

  • Application

  • Dataset

  • Entity


Collect "School Attending" information on a reply form

A "School Attending" related dataset row field can be used to connect an application record with the organization record of the school they are choosing to attend.

Field configuration

This field is application-scoped because the collected data point should be unique to each application. When an applicant selects the school they have chosen to attend, the organization record links with the application record through this related dataset row field. Note the following important settings of this field:

  • ID: school_attending

  • Name: School Attending

  • Value: Store Value

  • Multiple: Single Value

  • Data Type: Related Dataset Row

  • Related Dataset: Organizations

Using the field on a form

When mapping a dataset row field to a form, be sure to map the "(Record GUID)" version of the field. When the "(Organizations Record GUID)" version of School Attending field is selected, the autosuggest setting on this form field auto-populates with the appropriate autosuggest for this dataset. Without using the autosuggest with this form field, the form response will not relate to the proper dataset record. For this example, the form field might look like the following:

School Attending

On the form, autosuggest assists in selecting the correct organization record:

Suggested School

Alumni interviewer field

An "Alumni Interviewer" dataset row field can be used to connect a person record with the dataset record of the alum that interviewed them.

Field configuration

  • Scope: Person

  • ID: person_alumni_interviewer

  • Name: Alumni Interviewer

  • Value: Store Value

  • Multiple: Single Value

  • Data Type: Related Dataset Row

  • Related Dataset: Alumni Interviewers

๐Ÿ“ This field could be either person-scoped or application-scoped, depending on the scope of the interview.

Using the field on a form

This field can be added to a custom tab to view or edit the record's interviewer. Use the "Record GUID" version of the field mapping. This will auto-fill the correct auto-suggest configuration, such as in the following example:

Alum Interviewer Field

On the Custom tab, autosuggest assists in selecting the correct dataset record.

Alum Interviewer Suggest

Using the field in Upload Dataset

Upload Dataset can be used to import interviewer information. Use the "Dataset Key" version of the field mapping. Note that the alum's name does not need to be mapped.

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