Lip Sync in Share
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Lip Sync in Share

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Article summary

With the introduction of Lip Sync, Slate can now record any live online event using Share and then make the recording available for use in future live online events and webinars.

When Lip Sync has been enabled for an online event, the audience will enter the event at the start time and see no indication that what they are viewing was previously recorded. All the slides and audio/video/screen shares from the recorded event will carry over to the current one and play in real-but-delayed time while the chat is reset for new activity and can be moderated live.

Recording a Lip Sync Source

Before the start time of your live online event, navigate to the event Settings and check the box for Lip Sync. Select the option to "Make recording available as source" and Save.

Conduct your live online event, but be sure your presenters know that it will be recorded and used again in the future.


Using a Lip Sync Source

Before the start time of your next live online event, navigate to the event Settings and check the box for Lip Sync. Select the source video you want to use from the drop-down menu.

When you connect to the online event as a presenter or moderator, the Lip Sync Source video will begin playing shortly after the event start time and appear to the audience in the same fashion as a live broadcast.


The chat screen will also be available - assuming that you have enabled the chat for the event - and will be reset for the current event.

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