Managing Decision Release Using Population Permissions
  • 04 Mar 2024
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Managing Decision Release Using Population Permissions

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Article summary

When the Release Decisions permission is granted when assigning a population, the user will see only application records in that population in the decision groups when navigating through Release Decisions. For example, population permissions can be used to only display applications to the Psychology programs to the admin for the Psychology department.

Assigning Population-Based Permissions

To grant a user access to records enrolled in a population, assign the user the population with Population Permissions.

Upon navigating to Decision Release, the user will see application records for applicants enrolled in the granted population.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.

  2. In the Users & Access section, select User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears with a list of current active user accounts.

  3. Click the desired user account from the list. The user’s account summary page appears.

  4. Click Edit User. A popup appears, displaying the account settings.

  5. Click the Populations tab.

  6. Click Insert Population. An Edit Population popup appears.

  7. Select the appropriate application population from the Population list.

  8. Select the Release Decisions checkbox in the Permissions section.

  9. Click Save.

Can I assign a role with a population permission?

Yes. When granting a population permission with a role, grant the role on the Populations tab - DO NOT grant the role on the Roles tab. The user will inherit all permissions granted by the role, but will inherit the population-capable permissions ONLY for the selected population.

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