Managing Junk Mail in Inbox
  • 18 Jul 2024
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Managing Junk Mail in Inbox

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Article summary

Messages that come into Inbox can be batch-managed or manually marked as Junk and automatically be routed to the Junk folder in Inbox upon receipt through spam filtering or by configuring a Message Inbox rule in the Rules Editor.

Spam Filtering

Messages that come into Inbox are evaluated by a third party tool, which generates a score based on the content of the message. Messages that receive a score above 5 are generally routed directly to the Junk folder in Inbox.

A range of criteria may cause an email to be given a high spam score, including but not limited to:

  • Subject lines that are written in all caps

  • Content that includes a disclaimer about spam: "We're not SPAM!"

  • Image-only emails

  • Use of the word "free" in the subject line

  • Use of odd characters or numbers in words ("2day," "gre@t!").

 Best Practice

Work with your IT department on filtering spam before it arrives to your email account and is forwarded into Slate. This will significantly reduce the amount of Junk mail that comes into Inbox.

Managing Junk Mail

Messages that do not have a spam score above 5 may end up in your Inbox without being automatically routed to the Junk folder. Individual messages may be marked as Junk through batch management or rules.

To batch manage junk messages:

  1. Click Inbox in the top navigation bar.

  2. Use Ctrl (⌘ for Mac OS) + Click to select messages.

  3. Click on the Batch Management icon to open the Batch Management pop-up window.

  4. Set the action to flag as Junk.

  5. Submit.

To automate the flagging of messages as Junk:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click Insert Rule.

  3. Configure the following settings in the Edit Rule pop-up window:

    • Name - Provide a name for the rule

    • Base - Message Inbox

    • Type - Junk

    • Trigger - Upon Message Receipt or Nightly Processing

    • Status - Preview (Do not activate until ready to make the rule live.)

  4. Add filters.

  5. Set the Action to Set Junk Flag or Unset Junk Flag.

  6. Save and activate when ready.


Use the partial match filter to scan for messages that contain specific terms or phrases. Using quotation marks will scan for an exact match on the phrase.

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