Managing Record Access in Query Using Population Permissions
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Managing Record Access in Query Using Population Permissions

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Article summary

Using the Configurable Joins query bases, users can be granted access to query for records enrolled in a population granted through population permissions in query results. Queries built on the Configurable Join bases of Application by Population or Person by Population will be automatically filtered on the specific populations granted to the user, and no population filter will be required.

For example, in a shared admissions and advancement database, an admissions user can be granted the ability to create queries that might only include records in a population of admission records. Meanwhile, an advancement user can be granted the ability to create queries that might only include records in a population of donors.

📝 Note

This capability pertains specifically to the Configurable Joins query bases. Standard query bases in Slate are not population-aware, and query results on standard query bases will not be limited by population.

Granting Population Permissions for Query

To grant a user the ability to create a query that is automatically filtered on a specific population, assign the population to the users and assign the corresponding query permission using population permissions.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar. The Database page appears.

  2. In the Users & Access section, click User Permissions. The Active Users summary page appears with a list of currently active user accounts.

  3. Click a user account from the list. The account summary page appears.

  4. Click Edit User. A popup appears with the account’s settings.

  5. Click the Populations tab.

  6. Click Insert Population. An Edit Population popup appears.

  7. In the Permissions settings, select Query - Application or Query - Person permissions (or both).

  8. If the user needs access to more than one population, repeat steps 6 and 7 as many times as needed.

  9. Click Save.

When creating a query, the user can select the Configurable Joins bases of Application by Population (if granted Query – Application) or Person by Population (if granted Query – Person). The user can only query records that are enrolled in the granted population.


📝 Note

The Query-Application and Query-Person permissions are exclusive to population permissions and must be granted directly on the Populations tab. Since these are not standard permissions in Slate, they are not inherited through a role.

Check the permissions tab

Make sure that the user is not granted access to Person or Application under the Query (Configurable Joins-Base Access) or Query (Configurable Joins-Join Access) permissions on the Permissions tab. These permissions will override the population permissions and enable the user to query on all person or application records.

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