Mark a Record as Active or Inactive
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Mark a Record as Active or Inactive

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Article summary

Leveraging Exclusivity Groups, Records can be set to either 'Active' or 'Inactive' depending on specific custom field values (such as 'Entry Term') OR depending on whether an application exists in an active Period. 

Rule 1 - Active Person Record
Rule 2 - Inactive Person Record

Rule 1 - Active Person Record

If a person record has an active entry term value OR an application in an active application period, set the Person Active status to Active.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Active Person Record

    • Base - Prospects

    • Type - Person Active/Inactive

    • Folder - Person Active/Inactive

    • Exclusivity Group -  Person Active/Inactive

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 1

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Field Prompt Exists - Returns records that have a prompt with the specified status for the selected field. As an example, the filter might look at entry term, and find person records with an active entry term.

  • Has Application by Period, Status, Round Key, Application Status - Returns person records that have an application record that matches the specified criteria. In this case, the filter is finding person records that have an application in an active application period in any round and with any status.

Field Prompt Exists
Has Application by Period, Status, Round Key, Application Status

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Status - Select Active

Rule 2 - Inactive Person Record

If a record does not meet the criteria for the other person active/inactive rules, update the status to Inactive. This can be considered the default rule in this exclusivity group.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Inactive Person Record

    • Base - Prospects

    • Type - Person Active/Inactive

    • Folder - Person Active/Inactive

    • Exclusivity Group -  Person Active/Inactive

    • Non-deterministic - Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority - 2

  4. Click Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • N/A - Remember that person active/inactive rules are in an exclusivity group. The last rule that runs should set person records that did not meet the active criteria to inactive, so this rule is a default rule and should have no filters.

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Status - Select Inactive

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