- 09 Nov 2023
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Materials Settings
- Updated 09 Nov 2023
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Materials Settings
Setting | Description |
Status | Set the status to 'Active' for currently used Fields.
Key | This is the code that Slate will use to store fields in the database. It is best practice to create this ID in all lowercase with no spaces or special characters other than an underscore. Once this ID is set, and in use, the ID should not be changed. This ID is used to store the data in the database, and it is not a value that most administrative staff will see. |
Name | The name of the material will be visible administratively and externally. It is acceptable to change the name, even if data already exists for the field. |
Export Value | Configure up to 5 export values for a material. Export values can be used in exports to external systems, including an SIS. |
Scope | Designate the scope of the material. There are several material scopes: Person/Application, Dataset, Reference, School Report, School, and Test.
Dataset | When the scope of the material is Dataset, select the dataset with which the material is associated from the dropdown menu. |
Access | Set the access of the material to 'Admin only,' or allow for upload on a student self-service website. |
Student Upload Label | Include a label that will appear on the Status Page for materials set to 'Available for upload through student self-service website,' if desired. This is often used to designate official documents from copies. |
Student Upload Order | Set the order of the dropdown for materials available for upload on the Status Page. |
Student Upload Restriction | Restrict a material upload to a specific population on the Status Page. If desired, select a Population to which the material should be restricted. |
Checklist Display Label | Include a Checklist Display Label to display the Material on the Status Page Checklist with a material icon if desired. This informs that student that a material has been received, regardless of whether or not there is a rule to add it to the Checklist. |
Group | The Group setting will default to the 'Default Group' when a new material is created. If materials are assigned to the 'Financial Aid' group and added to an applicant's record, they will display under the Materials section of the Financial Aid tab on an applicant's application. |
Custom Permission | Restrict the ability to view particular materials by setting a custom permission. If left blank, those with permission to view the materials tab on the student record will be able to see the interaction; those with permission to view an application will also be able to view the materials. |
Material Metadata | Associate a Material-scoped form with a Material via the Material Metadata dropdown. This allows a form to be completed when editing or uploading a material of this type via the Batch Acquire interface. The Material-scoped form can include form fields mapped to various system fields such as person, application, and material-scoped destinations. |