Merge Fields on Forms
  • 07 Apr 2024
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Merge Fields on Forms

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Article summary

This article demonstrates how to add merge fields to a form and example use cases that illustrate their purpose. You can select query exports in a form to make those data points available as merge fields in instructional text or display labels for any form field. The purpose of adding merge fields to a form is typically to:

  • Display information to the registrant related to their record that should not be edited

  • Merge fields are also used to personalize content displayed on the form, such as labels and instructions


You may add merge fields to forms that meet one of the following criteria:

  • The scope of the form requires a login (e.g., Application)

  • The form is used for custom tabs or reader review forms (i.e., the scope is Reader, Person Page, or Application Page)

  • The form is used as a custom application page visible to applicants

  • The form Security setting is set to 'Require secure link/login' or 'Allow secure link/login filters.'

Adding Merge Fields to a Form

merge fields tab

Selecting Exports

Three types of exports are available to add as merge fields to a form:


Type of Export



Standard export

Allows the user to add direct and extended exports.


Subquery export

Allows the user to add subquery exports such as concatenated values, existence exports, or formula exports. You can use filters and joins in a subquery export to produce the desired export values.


Literal export

Allows a static value to be created and exported for each form response.

It is critical to remember that the starting base for merge field exports is Form Response. This implies that the direct exports will always pertain to properties of the form response. When searching for merge field exports, it may be necessary to extend the available data to different tables; this will require additional joins in the Merge Fields tool.

Best Practice

When adding exports under the Merge Fields tool, replacing the export name with a computer-friendly value is recommended. Otherwise, a space in the export name must be replaced by a dash (-) when referencing it as a merge field (e.g., Person Preferred > Person-Preferred).

Adding a Join

In many cases, at least one join may be necessary to access information related to data belonging to the record submitting the form.

For example, on an application-scoped form, clicking the 'Join' option under Merge Fields shows the following options for data tables to join (Application, which corresponds to the form's scope, Current User, and Sequential Value Groups):

Example Merge Field Use Cases

Displaying Name Information

A user has constructed an application-scoped form and would like to display Preferred Name and Last Name data but does not need this data mapped or changed on the record.

To access the Preferred Name and Last Name exports, joins will first need to be added:

1. In the Edit Form view of the application-scoped form, click Edit Properties > Merge Fields.

2. Click Join.

3. Select Application and click Continue, then Save. This will join the Applications table to the Form Response table. With just the Applications table joined, person-scoped data will not yet be accessible. This implies that another join is necessary to access the Preferred Name and Last Name exports.

4. Click Join once again. Now that application data has been joined, several more tables are accessible to join as well. Select Person under the 'Application' label and click 'Continue,' then 'Save'.
This now provides access to direct exports related to the form response properties, the application record related to the form response, and the person record belonging to that application.

 5. Next, the desired exports (First Name and Last Name, in this example) can be selected as standard exports.

6. The added exports can be referenced on the form itself by including them in an instruction block, a header, or a label. Double curly brackets must be used to include these merge fields, and remember to replace any spaces in the export name with a dash (-) when referencing it as a merge field (e.g., Person First> Person-First)

When previewing the merge fields now included in the instructions box, the record's preferred and last names are merged and displayed on the form.

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