Navigating Projects and Tasks Screen
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Navigating Projects and Tasks Screen

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Article summary

Tasks can be accessed globally in Slate by selecting the clipboard icon in the upper-left corner of the Slate database page.


Creating a Task

Create a task directly from the Tasks page using the following procedure:

  1. Enter the name of the task in the Create task field. Clear the Connect to Database option if the task should be tied to the page currently being viewed. Press Return or select the right arrow in the field.


    A New Task dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the appropriate details for the task. Set the desired values for Status, Deadline, Role, and Description. A value for User may also be entered to apply the task to a different user in the database, but the default User is one the account currently logged in.

Viewing Tasks

Tasks assigned to the current user (such as the user currently logged in) are accessible anywhere in Slate under the Your Tasks view.

Viewing Related Tasks

When accessing a person record, tasks that meet all of the following criteria are displayed under the Related Tasks view:

  • The task is associated with the record that the user is currently viewing.

  • The task is set to a role to which the current user belongs.
    The User setting of the task matches the user currently viewing the record.

These tasks may be assigned to other users in the database, but they will be visible to the current user.

What about tasks added by an application-scoped rule?

Tasks related to application records appear in a user’s task queue. Unlike tasks related to person records, these do not appear as a related task when accessing a person record.

Managing Task Details

Selecting a task displays a dialog with relevant information about the task. This dialog includes a link to the person record or the relevant Slate page linked in the task. Here users can add and view notes (which can be used to adjust the status of the task). Users with the Projects permission can edit the task.

A user's tasks, or tasks related to a record, can be sorted either by due date or by assignee name.


Recently completed tasks can be viewed by selecting the Show Completed icon.


What is a recently completed task?

Tasks completed in the last 14 days are available in the Completed Tasks section.

Taking Actions on Tasks

Editing the Task

When viewing a list of tasks, several actions can be taken.

If a user has the Projects permission, the first icon allows the task to be edited. Selecting this icon opens the Edit Task page, allowing the user to adjust the settings of the task.


Marking the Task as Complete

The second icon allows the user to mark the task as complete. Once this green check mark is selected, the task disappears from the user's view. However, the task will still exist within the Project in the Database.


Creating a Follow-Up Task

A follow-up task can be created for either related tasks or assigned tasks. When selected, this icon opens a dialog box where the user can enter additional information for the new task and mark the existing task as complete if desired.



Adding a Note

Selecting the final icon allows the user to add a note to the task. The note may be used to change the status of the task, as well as to collect comments from the user.


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