Official Payments/ACI
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Official Payments/ACI

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Article summary

To integrate with Official Payments/ACI:

Step 1: Configure settings in Official Payments/ACI

  1. Ask Official Payments to send a silent postback (name-value format, not XML!) to

  2. Set Error, Cancel and Return URLs to

  3. Official Payments data is based on passing data in custom fields that they call "CDEs". We will need to know what CDEs are already in place, and what data you want us to pass in those existing fields.

  4. For our integration data, we'll need three new CDEs to be set up in your Official Payments configuration: 

    • cde-AppID-X (for our application ID) 

    • cde-TransId-X (for a transaction ID) 

    • cde-Desc-X (for the account description)

    In each case, when you set them up, you'll need to replace the "X" with a particular number, but you can use any numbers are free. So, for example, the CDEs may be:

    • cde-AppID-5

      • cde-TransId-6

      • cde-Desc-8

      • or any other set of numbers that are free. (We are only looking at the first part).

Step 2: Open a Support Ticket

Provide the following information (via a Support Ticket):

  • Official Payment URL

  • Product ID

  • We will need to know what CDEs are already in place, and what data you want us to pass in those existing fields.

  • Specifically, for our integration data, we'll need three new CDEs you set up in step (1) above

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