Open and Click Tracking with Filtering Companies
  • 15 Nov 2023
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Open and Click Tracking with Filtering Companies

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Article summary

Many schools use email scanning and filtering services, such as Gaggle, to scan incoming emails. With these services, incoming emails are scanned, and links are "clicked"/accessed to examine if the destination is "safe" or not.  This can result in email opens and clicks that were not done by the student (or intended email recipient). Additionally, the click activities from these services are often routed through Amazon Web Services, which will store open locations as Oregon. 

Slate compares the IP address of any device that opens a message, and its included links, against a list of addresses for known services that provide third-party email filtering and scanning. For any recently delivered message, if the IP address matches an entry on the list, Slate does not process a status update for that message, and the resulting action does not impact email deliver metrics.


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