Organization Contact New Record Form
  • 08 Nov 2023
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Organization Contact New Record Form

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Article summary

This article will offer best practices in building a data entry form to create a new or update an existing organization contacts record and associating this record with an organization record. Once created, review Customizing the Organization Dashboard to learn how to link this form to the organization record. 

This form could also be used as the New Record link on the Organization Contact Lookup page.


Instructions for this process can be found in the Customizing the New Record Lookup Link article.

Create and Configure a New Record Data Entry Form

Create the Form

  1. Select Forms on the top navigation bar

  2. Select New Form.

  3. Select Insert. A popup appears (pictured).

  4. Configure each setting* as necessary.

  5. Click Save

    *Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Edit the Form Properties

  1. Select Edit Form.

  2. Select Edit Properties.

  3. Change the Scope of the form to Dataset

  4. Select the Dataset Organization Contacts.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Remove all of the default form fields from the form.

  7. Add in any form fields desired when creating a new dataset record, mapping to the organization contacts dataset-scoped fields.

*Click here for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.

Required Form Fields

Confirm that the following form fields have been added to the form to ensure the record is created and data is save to the record properly:

Parent Record Data

To associate the organization contact record with the parent organization record, add the following form fields to the new record creation form:

School Name

  • Field Type - Text Box

  • System Field - Unmapped

  • Autosuggest - School Name Search

  • Options - Required

Edit Field

School Key (Parent Key)

A text box mapped to Parent Key is needed to ensure that record is associated with the correct organization. Once a school name is selected in the previous form field, this field auto populates with the CEEB of the organization selected.

Ensure that this field is only mapped once on the form. In addition, if more than one "School Name Search" appears on the form, the two fields need to be separated by a section break.

  • Field Type - Text Box

  • System Field - Record - Parent Key

  • Autosuggest - School Key

  • Options - Hidden

Edit Field

What is the best practice recommendation for collecting organization contacts addresses?

If the query is built using the organizations contacts query base, it is not necessary to collect the organization contact address on this form. Create a query to return the organization address associated with organization contacts record.

Email Address and Unique for Merging

If the organization contact's email address is used as both the email address and the unique for merging field, three fields must exist on the form to store this data correctly and to create a new or match on an existing record upon form submission.

Device Type

  • Field Type - Select List

  • System Field - Device - Device Type

  • Default Value - Email

  • Options - Hidden

Edit Field

Device Value

  • Field Type - Text Box

  • System Field - Device - Device - Value

  • Options - Required

Edit Field

Unique for Merging Field

Add a Text Box form field mapped to the custom email unique for merging field and use a formula. This will copy the value entered in the Device Value form field (eliminating the need to input the email address twice and waiting for the Organization Contact Unique for Merging Rule to run).

  • Field Type - Text Box

  • System Field - Fields - Details - Email

  • Calculation Formula - @sys:device:value

Display Name

Rather than waiting for the display name rule to run to set the display name field, a form field may be added to set the display name field upon submission of the form.  Refer to the Managing Organization Contact Display Name Rule article for more information.

Add a text box form field for first name and last name and map appropriately. Add a text box mapped to Record > Name (Display Name). Add the calculation formula of "@sys:field:contact_first + ' ' + @sys:field:contact_last." Under Options, select Read Only or Hidden.

  • Field Type - Text Box

  • System Field - Record - Name (Display Name)

  • Calculation Formula - @sys:field:contact_first + ' ' + @sys:field:contact_last

Note that in this syntax, ' ' is two single quotes separated by a space, not double-quotes.

Edit Field

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