Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) Integration
  • 28 May 2024
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Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) Integration

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Article summary

The English Language Level Test or Oxford ELLT is an English proficiency test managed by the Oxford International Digital Institute. It uses a twelve-point scale that measures the average of the four individual components: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

The integration between the Oxford ELLT and Slate uses a CSV file, provided by Oxford, a test type, and a source format, both added in Slate.

✔️ Prerequisite skills

Source formats

Step 1: Download the Oxford ELLT CSV file

First, download the CSV results from your Oxford ELLT Partner Portal:

  1. Log into your Oxford ELLT Partner Portal at https://app.oidigitalinstitute.com/app/login

  2. From the Dashboard, click Results.

  3. Configure the Date and Product filters to select the range of results to download.

  4. Click the Download icon at top right.

  5. Select All bookings in CSV format (compatible with Slate CRM).

  6. Select Download.

Step 2: Add the test type and source format

Oxford ELLT scores can be imported into Slate using CSV files uploaded to Slate via a source format.

Add the Oxford ELLT test type

The Oxford ELLT test type is a data object in Slate that stores the score results. To add it to your database:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Configurations, select Slate Template Library.

  3. Add the Oxford ELLT test type.

📝 Do not make any changes to the test type.

Add the Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) CSV source format

This Source Format imports Oxford ELLT Test Scores downloaded from your ELLT Portal. To add it to your database:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Import and Data Processing, select Source Format Library.

  3. Add the Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) CSV source format.

  4. Select Edit.

  5. Select the Format Definition tab.

  6. Configure the remap settings for the format definition as needed. Many items have been pre-mapped.

  7. Return to the General tab.

  8. Set Remap Active to Active on the Source Format. The import runs for all files uploaded on or after the Remap As Of Date value.

📖 Further reading

Source format settings

🏗️ Coming Soon: Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) JSON

This Source Format can be used to automatically import Oxford ELLT Test Scores via Web Service.

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