Profile Tab for Advancement
  • 23 Nov 2023
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Profile Tab for Advancement

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Article summary

The Profile tab on the constituent record, and the default fields included in that tab, are used to manage the personal and account information for a constituent record.

The Profile tab on the constituent record


A summary of the data stored on the profile tab is found in the Overview section. In the summary, the contact information displayed is the rank one Email, rank one Phone, rank one Mobile phone, and rank one Evening phone. For address, the rank one overall address will appear.  

A summary of the data stored on the profile tab can be found on the Overview subtab.


Personal information like name, birthdate, and citizenship can be found and edited in the Biographical section.  

Personal information like name, birthdate, citizenship, etc. can be found and
  edited on the Biographical subtab.

Contact / Address


Email addresses and phone numbers are stored as devices. Custom device types can be added to capture things like social media account information. The default devices fields are Type, Priority, Value, and Notes. Custom device-scoped fields can be created to store additional information about the device. Devices can be queried using the related device base.  

Email addresses and phone numbers are stored as devices.


The default address types in the database are mailing address and permanent address. Custom address types can be added along with custom address-scoped fields. Permanent Address is intended to remain unchanged, while a mailing address is intended to be temporary or seasonal. 

When setting a mailing address to "Address is temporary" or setting a seasonal recurring address, different date fields will appear. These date fields are optional and track when the mailing address is active.

A temporary address can have a specific start and end date capturing month, day, and year. 

A temporary address can have a specific start and end date capturing month, day,
  and year.

A seasonal recurring address has a start and end date that captures only the month and day since the year is implied to be every year. 

A seasonal recurring address has a start and end date.

Addresses can be queried using the related address base.   


Constituent records store information on various associated relationships, such as siblings, parents, and fund stewardship. These relationships are stored as relationship records. Relationship records maintain much of the same functions as constituent records, such as storing interactions and contact information. 

Relationship records maintain much of the same functionality as constituent records.

The Relationship section is also used to link constituent records to one another. In the case of a spouse, both records would exist as constituent records in the database and be linked together through the relationships tab.


Education history is stored in the Schools section. The institutions stored in the school's section should be those the constituent attended as a student. If a constituent works for a school, that information should be stored in the Jobs section.  

Education history is stored on the school's subtab.

The Schools section is linked to the organization dataset in the database through the School Code.

The school is linked through the School Code.

Custom school-scoped fields can be created to store school information in addition to the default information.  


A constituent's employment history is stored in the Jobs section. Custom job-scoped fields can be created to supplement the existing default fields.  

Employment history is stored on the Jobs subtab.

The employers are linked to the Companies and Foundations dataset through the Job Key field.  

The employers are linked to the Companies and Foundations dataset through the
  Job Key field.

Jobs can be queried on using the related Jobs base.  


Courses a constituent has taken are recorded in the Courses section. Courses stored in the section have to be linked to an institution that exists in the constituent's schools section. Additional custom course-scoped fields can be created to supplement the existing default course fields.    

Courses are recorded on the Courses subtab.


A constituent's interests and activities are stored in the Interests section. These interests can include anything from Greek life to volunteer work. Additional custom interest-scoped fields can be created to supplement the existing default course fields. 

Interests and activities are stored on the Interests subtab.


Sports the constituent has participated in are stored in the Sports section. These can be sports participated in at a club level, college level, or professional level.  

Sports are stored on the Sports subtab.


The constituent's account information can be managed in the Account section. The information has several components listed below with a brief description. On the account tab, an administrator can see which constituent email address is associated with the account login and can reset a password for a constituent.  

The constituent's account information can be managed on the Account subtab.

  • Email: The account email address is the rank one email address on the constituent record in the Device section. Editing the email address will not affect anything; the email address can only be changed in the device section of the Contact / Address section. The displayed email address is the email address the constituent would use to log into a portal, form, and so forth in the database. 

  • Password: Displays whether or not a password exists on the constituent's record.

    • Established: A password has been created by the constituents for their record.

    • Not Established: No password has been created by the constituents for their record.

    • Reset: Resets the password by creating a new PIN and sending a password reset email to the account email address

  • PIN: When an account is created for the first time or a password reset has been requested, a PIN will be generated. A PIN expires in 180 days if not used to establish a password.   

  • Impersonate: This enables a user to directly impersonate the constituent. Impersonating a constituent enables the user to view a portal, form, or landing page as the constituent would see.   

  • Merge: Merge enables a user to merge a duplicate constituent record into another constituent's record.

  • Retention Policy: Gives quick access to any retention policy related to the constituent record. Retention policies are used to delete constituent data from the record.

  • Recent Logins: Displays when a constituent logs into the database (such as a portal or form), and includes a timestamp, the host IP address, the browser used by the constituent, the computer OS the constituent is using, and the constituent's location.

  • Recent Administrative Logins: Records when a user accesses the record. Provides the timestamp, host IP address of the user, and the user name.

Workflows / Read

The Workflows / Read section manages the workflows a constituent is currently in or can be added to. Selecting the Read link will take the administrator to the constituent's record in the reader for the specific workflow.  

The Workflows / Read subtab is used to manage the workflows a constituent is currently in or can be added to.

Edit Slate ID

The Edit Slate ID link will present a popup where custom IDs can be provided.  

The Edit Slate ID link will present a popup, where custom IDs can be provided.

  • Internal ID: This ID is the 9-digit numerical Slate Reference ID generated when the record is created. This ID will always persist in the database.  

  • Override ID: An ID provided in the text box will override the Slate Reference ID regarding matching criteria, exports in the query tool, and displaying in the upper right corner of the constituent record.

    Displays in the upper right-hand corner of the constituent record.

  • External ID: An ID provided in the text box can be used for matching criteria for the constituent record. 

  • SSO Username: If the constituent is expected to log into the database using your institution's single sign-on process, the username used for your institution's single sign-on must be provided in this text box.  

Edit Restricted Access 

Constituent records can have their access limited to a specific user or users who have specific roles and permissions. Clicking the Edit Restricted Access link opens a popup with a link to Add a Grantee. The specific user, role, or permission can be added as a grantee.

Clicking on the Edit Restricted Access link will present a popup box with a link to Add a Grantee.

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