PGP Encrypted Score Data Files
  • 28 Nov 2023
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PGP Encrypted Score Data Files

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Article summary

Several testing agencies, including The ACT, The College Board, and ETS provide score data files in a PGP-encrypted format. While a school is welcome to decrypt the files on their own prior to uploading into Slate, a school can configure Slate to automate this decryption process. This provides a seamless, reliable way to upload PGP encrypted score data files.

Uploading PGP Encrypted Score Data Files

  1. In the Source Format Library, add (if you have not added already) the PGP version of the score data file Source Format. For example, instead of adding the "AP Score Data File" format, add the "AP Score Data File (PGP)" format.

  2. When adding a new source format, you will have an opportunity to provide a PGP Private Key and PGP Password. If you have already added the source format, you may proceed to the Source Formats Database tool to edit the format there.

  3. For the PGP private key, export the private key from your PGP software. The private key will look something like the example below, which has been abbreviated for clarity. The private key should be copied and pasted into the PGP Private Key field. You do not need to provide a public key.

    Version: PGP Desktop 10.1.2 (Build 9)
  4. Each PGP private key is typically encrypted with a password, and that password should be provided in the PGP Password field.

  5. Select Update and we will make sure that the PGP private key is valid and that the password matches the private key. If you receive any errors at this stage, it will indicate either an invalid PGP key or incorrect password. The error messages are typically descriptive.

  6. Upload a score data file to the new PGP format. You can select the Force Process Imports link in the Configuration Editor to run the imports immediately. If there is an error with the PGP key, such as if the file was encrypted for a different PGP key than what you had provided, return to step #3 to provide the correct key. 

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