Ping for Student Success
  • 22 Nov 2023
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Ping for Student Success

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Article summary

Ping records user-specific web traffic and associates the history with Slate records.  By adding a snippet of code to any part of your institution's website, you can track visits on that site and match them back to person records in Slate.

While the tracking of this data is powerful, what may be more powerful is taking action as a result of the information gathered.  Perhaps a student is frequently visiting an institution's "transcript request" or "scholarships" pages, inquiring about transferring, or has financial concerns.  Aggregating that data and prompting outreach and intervention could assist the student to find what they need, and potentially avoid withdrawing. Internal tasks or messages can be triggered via Ping data to accomplish this intervention and outreach.

The data can be used in queries and reports as a measure of engagement or risk alert.  Ping can also be used to tailor emails in Deliver by adding filters (e.g. a financial aid email can be  sent to students who have spent more than 60 seconds viewing a scholarships page.)  Internal tasks or messages can be triggered via Ping behavior as well, prompting an action based on web traffic behavior.

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