Portal Branding Overview
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Portal Branding Overview

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Article summary

Each Slate database starts with a single branding template. The Branding Editor in Slate enables the editing and previewing of Slate branding while keeping the current branding files unchanged.

Portals can be configured to use your current branding by using the Branding Editor, or they can be configured to not use the standard branding. When not using the standard branding, the portal will appear without any type of wrapper content, requiring you to implement custom CSS and custom fonts separately in the portal.

Custom CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) rules let you apply different styles to specific portals, rather than relying on (or changing) the institution's overall Slate branding.


  • Consult your web or marketing staff for advice on the styles or rules to implement in an individual portal to ensure that the appearance remains consistent with your institution's visual brand and identity.

  • To effectively use this feature, you must be comfortable with, or be willing to learn, CSS to maintain CSS rules for portals and to update or troubleshoot when necessary.


Define a portal's style distinct from your main site with templates. Templates set the style for all pages within a portal. 

Content Blocks

Rather than using conditional logic or Liquid markup within the portal, a content block can dynamically display content that might otherwise require a variety of filters and conditional logic.

Conditional Logic

For layouts and designs that are fairly similar, depending on the nature of the desired changes for the portal, some elements may be displayed conditionally. This is sometimes done to display varying logos, taglines, or footer elements.

While this can be done, we do not recommend it as a best practice.

Reaching out for help

If one or more of the solutions above do not work for you and you need to explore complex processes, we highly recommend the following resources:

  • Preferred Partners: The Slate Preferred Partner Program recognizes organizations that integrate with Slate and offer implementation support, while providing meaningful contributions to the higher education community.

  • Community Forums: The forums are used by members of the Slate user community to empower crowdsourced suggestions, comments, and changes. Production updates and new features provided through our rapid release cycle are announced here frequently.

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