Portal POST methods
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Portal POST methods

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Article summary

Portals can take advantage of Slate forms to perform updates for a record. However, there may be a few cases where a form cannot accomplish the desired update—this is typically relevant for related items to a record, where the items comprise the "many" in a one-to-many relationship: for example, schools or sports data for a given person record. A form may not be able to match on the exact related record for which the update should be applied.

POST methods in portals perform updates, which could be the addition of new data, or deletion or update of existing data. POST methods work with data that is "passed in," via parameters. Parameters provide the ability to specify the exact record that should be affected by the update. The desired update is performed by running a custom SQL portal query.

Add a New POST Method

When creating a new portal method in the Methods section, a Type of either GET or POST is selected.

Upon selecting POST, a "Post Action" setting replaces "View" and "Output Type." Since POST methods involve adding, updating, or deleting data in the underlying database and do not render data within the portal, they are not linked to a specific view.

  • Status: Active.

  • Name: Provide a descriptive name for the method.

  • Type - Set to POST.

  • Action - Provide a computer friendly name. This value will later be referenced elsewhere in the portal (i.e. in the source code of a view).

  • Post Action - A JavaScript snippet that is run when the POST completes -- for example, displaying an alert box on the browser.

If no post action is entered, a default action of top.location.reload(true) runs. This reloads the current URL for the topmost frame in a window (i.e. it will reload the entire page).

📝 Note

Custom Post Actions are only necessary for specific use cases. Carefully consider your desired effect and the impact on user experience.

Using the POST Method

POST methods take advantage of HTML in a particular view, in which Liquid markup might be embedded that merges in a certain value, and parameters, which are declared and referenced in a custom SQL query.

Example: Update Sport Rating in an Athletics Portal

In this example, an athletics portal is used by coaches to set a "rating" value for an athletic recruit. The Slate standard athletics portal comes with the pop-up view with the update functionality built in.

Athlete Details pop-up in portal

This rating is associated with a sport on the standard Sports section of the person record.

Sports section of person record

Athletics portal users can update the rating if desired. However, in order for an update to be applied correctly to existing sport data, it must be able to specify that particular sport record's GUID. Slate forms do not have access to individual sport record GUIDs, and so a POST method running a SQL query must be used.

The Athlete Details pop-up in this portal is comprised of a form HTML element, which can be seen in the Source of the view. The form element has an action as well as a method attribute. This action must match the cmd input value.

Source code of Athlete Details pop-up

<form action="?cmd=saveDetails" method="post" style="width: 500px;">
<input name="prospectid" type="hidden" value="{{prospectid}}" />
<input name="sportid" type="hidden" value="{{sportid}}" />
<input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="saveDetails" />
<form action="?cmd=saveDetails" method="post" style="width: 500px;">
<input name="prospectid" type="hidden" value="{{prospectid}}" />
<input name="sportid" type="hidden" value="{{sportid}}" />
<input name="cmd" type="hidden" value="saveDetails" />

The cmd input value saveDetails corresponds to the Action value (saveDetails) of the POST method:

POST method with Action value of saveDetails

Effectively, when the HTML form is submitted (by clicking the Submit button in the pop-up), the POST method with the matching Action value is called.

The form element in the view also has hidden input fields, where Liquid markup is used to merge in values for the person record GUID (prospectid), as well as the individual sport record GUID (sportid). The other input field passes in a hardcoded string value of saveDetails.

The name attribute values for the inputs will later be referenced in the SQL query that updates the database.

The merge values for prospectid and sportid are derived from the Sports-based athlete details query that runs and populates data for the pop-up when it is opened (this query is run by a GET method, since it needs to pull information from the database, to be displayed in the view). Sport ID (i.e. the GUID of each individual sport on the person record) is a standard export part available in the query base:

Athlete Details query

Also nested within the form element is a select HTML element, which renders the dropdown list of sport rating options:

Select HTML element in pop-up source

<td>{% assign curr_rating = {{sp_rating}} %}
<select id="rating" name="rating">
{% for rating in ratings %}
{% if {{rating.id}} == curr_rating %}
<option selected="selected" value="{{rating.id}}">{{rating.value}}</option>
{% else %}
<option value="{{rating.id}}">{{rating.value}}</option>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The select list is derived from a Prompts-based query that returns all rating prompts, based on the prompt key of sport_rating:

Get rating prompts query

To sum up, the following values are tracked "behind the scenes," and are passed into the SQL query via parameters:

  • Person Record GUID

  • Sport Record GUID

  • Sport Rating Prompt GUID

Parameters in the POST SQL Query

POST methods currently rely on running SQL queries to carry out the desired update. The input values (from the HTML form that was submitted via the pop-up) are passed into the query via parameters:

Parameters for SQL query

The parameter tags have id attributes whose values correspond with the input name values in the Source of the pop-up.

These parameters can then be used in the SQL query, providing the passed-in input values and allowing the update to be applied to the sport record as desired. In this example, a SQL update statement will set the particular sport record's rating (with the GUID of the rating prompt) based on what was selected in the dropdown:

SQL Update query

update [sport]
set [rating] = @rating
where ([id] = @sportid)
and ([record] = @prospectid)

Note that in this custom SQL query, we are updating the [rating] column on the [sport] table. In some other cases, the custom SQL query may require a delete and an insert statement—for example, when changing a field value for a custom field.

If the portal was to update a custom sport scoped field, the query should simply insert a new row into the [field] table, if the sport record did not already have a value for that field. If the sport record previously had a value and now the user wants to remove that value and replace it with a different value, the query should delete the existing row on the [field] table and then insert a new one. If the portal user wanted to remove the value but not replace it, the custom SQL query should just delete the row in the [field] table. 

Custom SQL portal queries should be carefully written to ensure that the data being changed is exactly as desired.


We would recommend creating a few sample records to test with that represent different types of records or scenarios that might require the use of the POST method.

For example, since an Athletics portal is usually accessed by staff that are in different roles (or individually might have multiple roles) corresponding to sports, titles, etc, part of testing is to ensure that any user in relevant roles who will be performing updates via the portal are successfully able to do so. Additionally, since Athletics portals allow these admissions-adjacent constituents to interact with admissions records, having some student records that also span various types of athletic recruits is a must for testing. 

Best Practices

Use Slate Forms When Possible

To reiterate, POST methods are meant to handle a few certain scenarios where a Slate form isn't able to reach the specific record that needs to be updated. Using Slate forms (either by adding a Form widget in a view, or taking a form's embed code and adding it to a Static Content widget's source code) should cover the majority of use cases in which a record in the Slate database should be updated by a portal. 

Slate forms, using the form's scope setting, are able to directly update the desired type of record; these updates will be tracked as form submissions associated with that form, as well as on the record's Timeline, for forms that update person/application/dataset records.

Using Slate forms obviates the need for custom SQL, helping to make your portal more sustainable and easier to maintain.

Use Extreme Caution (With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility)

POST methods directly impact database tables, and therefore must be used with extreme caution.

Portals should not be created to replace existing Slate functionality. For example, batch updates can and should be performed by Slate users with the Upload Dataset or Query Batch Management tools, etc.

Reader review forms and workflows within the Slate Reader should still be the mechanism through which Slate users provide admission reviews on applications.

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