Preserve Address Format
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Preserve Address Format

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Article summary

You can preserve the formatting of addresses that come into Slate. This override’s the standard USPS Address Validation process.

Via Upload Dataset or in an import

To preserve the formatting of an address through an import:

  1. During the static mapping stage of an import, configure the following settings:

    • Destination: Address, Address - Quality

    • Value: Unverified: Skip Validation

  2. Click Save.

Set Static Mappings - Skip Address Validation.png

On the person record

Addresses are queued for overnight validation upon creation and upon update.

To keep an address out of this queue:

  • On the Profile tab of the person record, when adding or updating an address, select Preserve Formatting.

    Preserve Formatting on Address Record.png

📝 Note

This setting is automatically de-selected after closing the Edit Address window. You must select it whenever an update is made.

Understanding Address - Quality

Slate gives addresses a quality score from 0 (the highest), to 3 (the lowest).

  • 0: Given to address records after USPS validation

  • 1: Address records given this ranking are not subject to the address standardization process, and they can be differentiated (for example, in a query) from addresses that have. Both methods described in this article bestow an Address - Quality value of 1.

  • 2: Addresses without the Preserve Formatting option selected or without Unverified: Skip Validation set in static mapping receive an Address - Quality rank of 2. They are queued for overnight validation against the USPS database as part of the address standardization process.

  • 3: Given to bad addresses, or those that can’t be validated.


Filter address records for Quality in queries or reports.

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