- 23 Apr 2024
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Query Base (Legacy) Settings
- Updated 23 Apr 2024
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Insert / Edit Query Bases
Setting | Description |
Status | Mark the query base as Active to make it available in Slate tools that might require the selection of a query population, e.g. Query Builder, Report Builder, Deliver mailing recipients, Rules Editor, etc. |
Order | Enter a number to specify the order in which the query base appears in the list of bases/populations. Local query bases are listed first in the order designated, followed by query bases available from the Slate Template Library. |
Name | Provide a name for the query base. |
Key | Identifies the primary ID to be used for tracking queries. |
Enable Lookup | Yes enables the query base as a searchable option on the Lookup Records page. If the query base is added locally from the Slate Template Library, do not change this setting. |
Enable Query | Yes enables the query base as an option on the 'Populations' dropdown when creating a new query. |
Enable Reader | Special use only: set to Yes to customize the Reader based on departmental query bases. |
Enable Folio | Yes enables an additional 'Folio' view in the Reader. |
Related Bases | By including the ID of another query base, this base can inherit exports and filters from the related base. This is how the Prospects exports and filters, for example, can be included in an Applications query. |
From Clause | Defines the primary table and alias for the query base. |
Join Clause | (Optional) Defines additional tables and aliases for the query base which are required globally. |
Where Clause | (Optional) Refines the available records in the query base by limiting results to records meeting the conditions. |
Read Permission | Restrict access to the query base according to user permissions. |
Create Record URL | (Optional) When populated, this setting creates the 'New Record' button available on the Lookup page. Creating a form for this purpose is recommended as a best practice. Read more about this in the Customizing the New Record Link article; additional examples are available in the Creating Custom Datasets article. |
Dataset | If the query base is for use with a Dataset, select the Dataset from the list. |
Scope | Describes the entity to which the query base is related. |