- 20 Nov 2023
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Query Output Options
- Updated 20 Nov 2023
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Export Destinations
Often queries are run with a specific business goal in mind. For example, query results may need to be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.
Destination | Description |
Export Spreadsheet | Download the results as an Excel XLSX file. |
Deliver Mailing | Copy the entire query into a mailing (for use as a live query) or copy the results into a mailing as a static recipient list. Only non-system mailings with a status of "In Progress" or "Completed" that are assigned to the user running the query will be available as an export destination. Users will only be able to add queries as recipient lists to either new mailings or mailings where they are also the user. |
Portal | Add the query to an existing portal. |
Report Builder | Send query results to the Report Builder tool to start a new report. |
Comma-Delimited File | Download the results as a CSV (comma-separated values) file. |
Tab-Delimited File | Download query results as a tab-delimited TXT file. |
PDF Document Export | Export PDF documents as a single file or within a ZIP archive. |
Decision Letter Export to Word | If a decision letter exists on the application record, download a copy of the letter as a Word document. |
PDF Report | Download a PDF file with the query results in a table layout. |
HTML Report | Display query results in an HTML table. |
Mail Merge Word Document | Export the results to an uploaded Word document and either merge the data or set up the merge fields. |
Often queries are run with a specific business goal in mind. For example, a tag may be set for all records that meet a defined criteria.
Batch Management
Interaction Management
Select the Interaction Management destination to add an interaction code for all records in query results.
For example, if everyone in a query received a viewbook, add the Mailing>Viewbook interaction like this:
Records Affected displays the number of records that will receive this new interaction code.
Field Management
Select the Field Management destination to add, replace, or delete a field value for all records in query results.
Select a custom field to update.
Select an Action:
Add to Values - Available only for fields configured to store multiple values. Append the selected value to the existing field values. If a record does not yet have a value for the selected field, one will be added.
Replace Values - Replace existing field values with the new value selected. If a record does not yet have a value for the selected field, one will be added.
Delete Values - Remove values for the selected field for all records in the query results.
Select or enter the new field value.
Tag Management
Select the Tag Management destination to set or unset a tag for all records in query results.
Select a Tag.
Set or Unset the tag.
Retroactive Refresh
Select the Retroactive Refresh destination to simulate a record update. This is a helpful way to trigger rules or origin source calculations for records that have not been updated recently.
Records Affected displays the number of records that will be refreshed. For queries with an Application base, the associated Person record will also be updated: