QuestBridge Graduate School Match
  • 10 Sep 2024
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QuestBridge Graduate School Match

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Article summary

๐Ÿ“ QuestBridge Graduate School Match delivery occurs Wednesday, September 11th, 2024.

QuestBridge Graduate School Match helps QuestBridge Alumni apply for admission and full-tuition scholarships to full-time, two-year MBA programs with all application fees waived.

QuestBridge applicants are sent as applications. They are imported into Slate via the QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format.

Adding the QuestBridge Graduate School Match source formats

There are two source formats associated with QuestBridge Graduate School Match:

  • QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications (CSV): Imports and creates applications

  • QuestBridge Graduate School Match - Materials: Defines which Slate material types are used to import Graduate School Match documents

To add these source formats to your database:

  1. From the main navigation, select Database.

  2. Under Import and Data Processing, select Source Format Library.

  3. In the Search Library box, enter โ€œQuestBridge.โ€

  4. Next to QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications, select Add.

  5. In the popup, select Add.

  6. Confirm the browser dialogue.

  7. Repeat for the QuestBridge Graduate School Match - Materials source format.

QuestBridge ID mappings

In addition to data files, QuestBridge also sends documents. The mappings configured in the source format QuestBridge Graduate School Match - Materials associate these documents with your Slate material types. The documents are then matched with the proper record using the QuestBridge ID Number.

๐Ÿ”” Do not alter the mappings of the QuestBridge ID numbers from the standard source format.

The QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format contains two IDs:

  • QuestBridge ID Number: ID unique to the person record

  • QuestBridge MBA Application ID: ID unique to the application, used solely for matching purposes. Not known to QuestBridge applicants.

For QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications, the QuestBridge ID Number is mapped to a person-scoped custom field with the ID qb_prospect_id.

The QuestBridge MBA Application ID in the QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format is mapped to an application-scoped custom field with the ID qb_gradapp_id.

QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format

This source format will handle bringing in MBA applicants as applications.

Some important items to remember that are specific to this source format include:

  • Map your rounds! An application will only be created if an application round has been mapped.  Update this mapping to map the App: Round to the specific application round that should be created from this import.

  • PINs are automatically generated for applications that are created in an active application period. Be sure to activate your application period prior to importing the data to ensure that PINs are generated for these accounts.

  • The submitted flag is mapped as a static value. This will ensure that the application that is created will also be marked as submitted.

  • Do not update the mapping for QuestBridge ID Number or the QuestBridge MBA Application ID, as this will prevent the materials from importing correctly.

QuestBridge Graduate School Match - Materials source format

The QuestBridge Graduate School Match Materials source format lets you map the document types onto specific material types within Slate. Since the materials are associated with records and material types via a script, you will never see any data associated with this source format within Upload Dataset.

Records imported with the QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format can receive documents using the document translations mapped in the QuestBridge Graduate School Match Materials source format.

QuestBridge MBA Application records receive documents on the application. This source format can be mapped ahead of the receipt of data/documents. However, the documents themselves will not be imported until the associated record has been imported via the QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications source format.

Because the source format is used only for the translation of the document types from QuestBridge to your institution's material types within Slate, this source format will not display any data on the Fields page.

Open the Value Mappings page to map your material types:

It is fine to keep document types unmapped if you do not need them to import to records in Slate. If you change your mind, you can map the unmapped material types later, and those documents will be imported at that time.

๐Ÿ”” Important!

There is no retroactive refresh for the materials source formats, so be sure to check your material mappings prior to activating the QuestBridge Graduate Schol Match - MBA Applications source format, because materials are imported for all mapped material types within an hour of the QuestBridge data file imports between the hours of 2:30am and 10:30am, Eastern Time.

Testing the remap settings

As with importing data from other sources, when you are satisfied with your mappings, launch (or refresh) your test instance and activate the data file source formats in that environment (by updating the Remap Active setting to Active in the Source Formats tool). If you need to tweak anything, make those changes in production, and then refresh your test environment and test again. If everything imported as expected, activate the source formats in production.

๐Ÿ“ Documents are not imported into your test environment.

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