Quick Guide for CBOs and IECs
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Quick Guide for CBOs and IECs

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Article summary

This is an overview of how to get started with Slate.org as a CBO or Independent college counselor. 

Slate.org is a free platform that allows you to:

  • Invite students to join Slate.org

  • Accept student counselor invitations

  • Email students

  • View applicant information and decisions in a read-only format

Create an account

To register for Slate.org:

  1. Click High School Counselors on the slate.org website to create your free Slate.org account.

  2. Fill out the required fields and select Community-Based Organization with CEEB code/without CEEB code or Independent Counselor as your affiliation. 

  3. Provide a link to an online directory or page where your role, email address, and organization can be verified. If your information cannot be verified online, please upload a scanned copy of your business card.  Account verification can be handled by any colleague at your institution who has an active Slate.org account. If no other active accounts exist, the verification process will be handled by Technolutions. Use your work email address to expedite the verification process.  

Slate.org Home

From the Slate.org home page, you can do the following as a CBO/Independent counselor:

  • View, accept, or decline student invitations via the counselor invitation feed

  • View recent activities and updates regarding student invitations to Slate.org


Click  Profile in the main navigation bar to:

  • Update your profile and contact information 

  • Update your institution profile

  • Add and manage associated users

Institution Profile

Keep your profile updated, including the name, location, and website. This information is public-facing and viewable by colleges who can sign up for a visit created by your organization in Slate.org.


Manage users who are affiliated with your CBO or organization, including adding new users, resetting passwords for existing users, approving pending account requests, or inactivating users who are no longer at your institution. 

Select a pending user to approve or decline access:


Select Students from the main navigation to:

  • Invite students to join Slate.org and grant you read-only access to application data and decisions

  • View application statuses, checklists items, and decisions

Invite Students

To invite students:

  1. Select Students from the main navigation.

  2. Select Manage IC Students.

  3. Select Invite Student.

  4. Enter the student’s information in the Invite Student popup.

  5. Click Invite. A list of students who allow access to application information and invited students awaiting a response appears. 

View Application Data

  1. Select Students from the main navigation.

  2. Select a student from the list.

  3. Select an application. The student's applications appear.


Select Colleges from the main navigation to see:

  • A list of undergraduate colleges and universities that use Slate for admissions.

  • The number of applications that are being shared with you.

  • The ability to click on a college or university to see additional details regarding the application data they are sharing.


Select Help from the main navigation to:

  • Access documentation and training videos

  • Provide feedback and ideas for new Slate.org features

Direct questions to [email protected].

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