Random Distribution of Staff Assignment Rules (Non-deterministic)
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Random Distribution of Staff Assignment Rules (Non-deterministic)

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Article summary

If your institution needs to assign records to staff at random, you can create rules within a given exclusivity group that are non-deterministic. As records are updated, there will be a random selection among these rules to take action on the record. It should be noted that while the selection does not use a "round robin" procedure, non-deterministic rules should create an equal distribution over time among possible outcomes. 


Rules configured for random assignment should all have the same priority ranking. 

Create the Rules

The Staff Assigned field is included in Slate when an instance is provisioned.

If your instance does not have the Staff Assigned field already included, the Staff Assigned field will need to be created.

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Click New Rule

  3. Enter the following User configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Give the rule a name that will clearly define what that rule is doing. For example, in this example the rule Record Assignment - Smith is assigning records to staff member Smith. The next rule would be called Record Assignment - Jones.

    • Base - Select the appropriate Query Base.

    • Type - Select Field as the Type.

    • Trigger - Select Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder - Create a folder called Staff Assignment and save all staff assignment rules in this folder.

    • Exclusivity Group: Make a new Exclusivity Group (Use an Exclusivity Group to tell Slate to run the rules in that group based on the priority number order. In this case, all priority numbers will be the same), or add the rule to an existing Exclusivity Group.

    • Non-deterministic - Select Rules within group and priority should be randomized.

    • Priority - Give all rules the same priority.

    • Status - Set the Status to Preview.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Define the population this rule should impact.

Configure the appropriate action:

  • Field - Select Staff Assigned

  • Action - Replace Values

  • Prompt - Select the appropriate User

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