Real-Time Presence Chat
  • 11 Jan 2024
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Real-Time Presence Chat

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Article summary

Presence Chat allows Slate users who are looking at the same page to chat internally with each other from within Slate.

When another user is viewing the same internal Slate page, you will see an avatar.

When another user is viewing the same internal Slate page, you will see an avatar.

To chat with this user:

1. Click on their avatar.

2. A chat window will display, allowing for real-time communication with this user.

A chat window will display, allowing for real-time communication with this user.

The chat window will only show if both users in the conversation have enabled browser push notifications. Without browser push notifications, the chat window will not pop up to the receiving party upon receiving a first message. 

Additionally, you will only see users who are actively touching the record. If they are recently idle, their avatar will appear blurred.


Chat history between users is not saved.

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